Chapter 1

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"Congratulations Tally!" A chorus of congratulations rang in Tally's ear as she pressed her way through the crowd until she could find her family. Her mouth hurt from smiling so much and she knew that the night wasn't over. Thalassa called back quick messages of 'congratulations' to all who called out to her, and some who just happened to pull her into pictures and hugs with other graduates.

"Jesus, this place is a madhouse," she muttered to herself. She didn't even think she knew this many people, or more accurately, that many people knew her.

"There you are!" Thalassa heard her father's booming voice above the crowd and was able to quickly pinpoint where they were over the sea of heads. As soon as she made her way to them, Thalassa was swept up in a medley of arms and kisses. Apparently graduating with honors from college made her family go in group hug mode.

"I'm so proud of you sweetheart," Julissa exclaimed when she finally got to hug only her daughter. "You looked so beautiful up there." Her mom brushed some of her hair behind her ear and then discreetly wiped the tears that were resting in the corner of her eyes.

"Did you hear us when they called your name?" Thalassa smiled brightly when she looked at her dad who was practically jumping up and down with excitement. "Your brother and I both had bullhorns."

Thalassa blushed at the reminder of how embarrassed she was. "Yeah, I think everyone in the state heard you guys! How did ya'll even get those in the stadium?" She tried her hardest to look like she was mad, but Tally knew she wasn't fooling anyone. Least of all her brother. "Hey DJ."

Dennis Jr., had remained the best big brother Tally could ever have asked for. Despite the three-year age difference, DJ had sought to protect his baby sister from any experience that had the potential to cause her pain. Initially, he had dreaded the idea of leaving for college while she stayed home because he wasn't going to be there to protect her. But his stress ebbed some when she declared that she was following him to the University of Arizona. Even though he was a senior when she entered as a freshman, he was still able to keep an eye on her throughout her college career since he was accepted to the medical program as well. Shortly after the beginning of his senior year, Dennis Jr., met Stephanie, and unlike most college romances, they ended up getting married right before spring break. Dennis and Julissa flipped out when they heard the news that their eldest son was on his honeymoon in Cancun. Thalassa thought it was romantic and gave her brother her full support.

"Hey Squirt, you looked great up there." DJ gave her the biggest hug before allowing her to catch some air. He kissed her on her forehead and watched as she went to the arms of his wife. Their one-year old son, Justin Christopher, looked on from the stroller eager to just get some food.

A bunch of cards and flowers were practically thrusted into Tally's arms as everyone took turns taking pictures with the newest college grad.

"You guys parked at the house and walked over, right?" By the time Tally had finished her sophomore year, she was completely over living in the dorms. Having a roommate was clearly not for her, no matter how much she tried. She just couldn't understand how she was expected to put up with someone who expected her to babysit her every time they went out to a party. That was freshman year. Her sophomore year, her roommate had sticky fingers and Tally was constantly finding her belongings on her roommate's side of the room.

No, before it came time for the upperclassmen to select dorms for the next school year, Tally made her first huge purchase and rented an entire house off campus for the two years she had left. DJ was upset at first since he had offered plenty of times for her to stay at his apartment. However, Tally was adamant that she was nowhere near the newly minted love birds. She loved her brother and her sister-in-law, but that was much too close for her.

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