Chapter 29 [continuation]

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It's been 3 days ever since that incident in this room happened. Mina is avoiding me. She never talked to me after that. The girls are always looking for a way for us to talk. Making us seat next to each other but Mina always moves away and would sit somewhere away from me. But the girls just won't give up.

I watch the girls as they're being trained by Jayson and Saeko in physical combat. My eyes landed on Mina and I was too focused with looking at her that I didn't noticed that Jayson was already calling me.

"Earth to Reiki!" He yelled making me snap back to reality.


"Come over here." He gestured me to go to where he is.

"What is it?"

"What do you mean what is it? It's your turn to teach them the things they need to know about guns." I turned my back before walking away.

"I'm not feeling very well. Have Saeko take over for now." I said as I walk back to my gun table. When I turned to look at them, Saeko was already teaching them about guns.

*sighs* I'm regretting everything I said that day to her. I should've just told her I love her too. But if I did, it will put her on danger even more. Not just her career but her life as well.

I don't know if I'm sparing her or myself. Argh! Stupid me.

I watched the girls examine the guns on a table in front of them.


The members already know about my sudden confession to him. I don't know why I confessed to him so soon. Aish stupid me.

"Minari, you're spacing out." Sana snapped me back to reality.

"Ah sorry."

"Thinking about him again? He's not worth it Mina. I mean if what Saeko unnie said was true about him liking you, then he should've made a move to set things right quickly but he didn't. There's someone better out there Minari. You'll be fine."

I looked over to where he is and I can see him happily talking to Nayeon unnie and Jihyo. Of all guys, why him? Is this payback to me for calling him playboy during Music Bank? I already apologized to him though. 😕😔😔

"I hope." I said as I keep looking at him. I immediately looked away when he caught me staring at him.

I should just stay away from him as possible as I can. There's no point in talking to him. He did say that I'm just a job for him, anyway so why try hard to get him. He's probably inlove with Saeko.

"Here." I heard someone say to me.

As I look up, I saw him handing me a bottle of water.

"Thanks." I said as I took it then he suddenly walked away without saying another word.

I watch him go over to the maknaes handing them each a bottle of water and patted their heads as soon as they took the bottle.

Sana jumped on his back like a koala.

"Yah what are you? A koala, or a tarsier?!" He said laughing.

"I'm a squirrel." Sana said with an aegyo.

"Squirrels don't act like that. You're supposed to be nibbling on an acorn or something."

"Yah! I'm a squirrel not a chipmunk! How can you be so mean, Reiki?! -_-" Sana slapped his shoulder.

"Hahaha! I was just kidding. Get off, you're heavy as hell."

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