Part 1

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  Chapter 1

"Life is unexpected,it leaves you in the most unusual of direction."
( Two months later)

  Meera  nervously played with her fingers, looking  down while her college consultant kept on repeating the same things she has been saying for last two months.

"Meera, your marks are really bad. Teachers are complaining about your inattentive behaviors. You already failed in your earlier exams,  you need to work really hard to clear both this year  and earlier exams. You really need to increase your GPA. I suggest you take part in extra curriculum activities. It will raise your GPA, plus increase your confidence and will really help you come put of your depression."

Meera looked at the clock on Mrs sharma's table, her eyes  counting the last minutes  of this boring lecture. She was wearing her red  hodiie and black jeans with red sneakers, her hair in bob cut. The moment the time got over, she took her bag and almost rushed to get out of this confided office when Mrs. Rao's voice stopped her midway.

"your name would be struck off from the college, if your GPA kept on  decreasing like this. You have one week to join some extra curriculum activities, you need to show that you are on path of recovery and normalcy, if you want to keep your scholarship. If the management don't see any improvement in your scores and extra participation, you will be out of this college and no one will be able to help you. This the final warning Meera."

Those words of Mrs Rao kept on repeating on her mind and she kept on ignoring it for last four days. She didn't wanted to join any extra clubs or any organized activities. She wanted to just remain ideal with all the past moments, truth  horrific details ruling her mind.she wanted to remain cuddled on her bed, with no intention to wake up ever. But  when Mrs kappor fell ill the moment  she came to know  of the continous warning Meera kept on getting, Meera resolve broke  that day. Mrs kappor had broke down to her, how she can't see Meera living like a dead person. The truth has broken Meera to thousand pieces but she knew Meera was a strong girl so why she  is losing her life to it. She wanted to see Meera live life, to continue being the happy teenager she once was. She can't see Meera lose her future.

Albeit unwilling, Meera  tried her best the next and the last day of week to get her self admitted into any club. She was disappointed when the strength of almost all the clubs were full, delamation, poetry, music, arts, every  club was full. She asked one of the girls in class talking about NSS but even that full.

Tanya saw Meera sitting alone at the last Table in the canteen. She has seen the lost girl of her class so nervous the whole day. She looked desperate to get into any club, which was important to increase her GPA. Tanya sat beside Meera and  tried talking to her. After few awkward words between the two, she finally came to the point.
"you know today is the last date for NCC recruitments. It's happening in the college grounds. You know it the best to increase your GPA plus free attendance in class and obviously preference in masters and jobs. Even I am in NCC. So, would you like to join."
Tanya  finished  excitedly looking at a nervous Meera, who was avoiding having any eye contact with her.
" I don't know anything about NCC." Meera said sadly and disappointed for being so Dumb to have no knowledge of anything.
"Don't worry about it.I will tell you everything on the way."  Tanya jumped excitinly and dragged her to the college grounds, holding her hand.
Meera looked at the crowd of girl, who gathered to join NCC. She felt so out of place and uneasy. She looked  at the two man in army uniforms, looking at the candidates with their strong gaze, as if they are not recruiting some Aamture girl cadets for NCC but the actua soldiers for Frontline war. She looked far ahead on right where Tanya was lining up the prospective cadets for NCC arwing. Tanya told her that Armywing recruits around 30 cadets while arwing just takes 8 girl cadets from their college, so probability of her getting selected will be high.

Commanding officer Jay Singh of 13 girls battalion has just completed giving his speech about the importance of NCC in life and career in armed forces. Meera has hardly listened to what he was saying  as her mind kept on telling her to run away from this place. It was so hard to not listen to that voice of her mind.

Since candidates were more than expected, CO decided that they will conduct a race and the first 30 girls to cross the line will be selected. Meera felt her heart leap out her chest as, the race started and she ended up coming second last. She felt her lungs burn with such extreme runilning and her heart sunk seeing that last opportunity just slipped through her hands.

She has than went towards Tanya, told her everything, disappontedly, who has suggested that she should try her luck  in arwing , Meera has rejected at first but Tanya advised her she shouldn't ' gave up without trying, Tanya was the first girl with whom Meera was taking so much, for the first time after she has joined the college.  Meera decided to give final try. She  filed her name for the selection.
Meera looked at the Sergent P. K SINGH, who was surtinizing every candidate with his strong gaze. Tanya's had told her how height, strength, intellectual skills matter to get selected. She saw the  sergeant separating the selected girls in a single line. He was asking question to all the candidates. Meera felt nervous as her turn came, Sergent looked at her checking her strength and than asked her.
"Do you know Parrot ? "
Meera looked at him confused, thinking why was he asking about the bird. He repeated it again and again for her. She looked at him dumbfounded, why was he asking for Parrot. She felt covering her head.
She nervously said, "Parrot is a bird." 
The sergeant looked at her confused, and said, " what!"
Before  Meera can clarify her words or understand what went wrong. A girl beside her said loudly.
"I know Parade, sir." sergeant selected her while I looked shocked. What the F, Damm it his accent that she couldn't understood what he said. Meera went off the ground disappointed. She has lost her last chance to get her marks on right track. She lost the ray of hope that day.
Haider  winked at the assistant lawyer of Mr Mehta who was in her mid twenties , but couldn't control falling for handsome Haider. She blushed profusely, as she entered side by side of Haider, behind Mr Mehta and Mr rehmat Ali khan made their  way inside the court room.
"how about I'll take you to dinner tonight?" Haider asked as Megha tried to control her  blush and uncontrollable heartbeat. Haider was tall and well built for his age, his smirk always makes the girls fall to his feet. He knew his effect on girls and he took full advantage of it, whenever he can.
"sure!" Megha whispered slowly, doing happy dance internally. She was so happy that such a handsome and rich guy asked her out.
Haider, went to sit with his dad   as he called him, before the court processeding starts.
"Try  to keep it in your pants for few months, don't want to deal with two cases within a month, do you?" Haider's father scolded him, while he just kept on chewing his gum, leaning his  hand behind his head and stretching his legs. He didn't even stood up when Judge enter  inside the court room, which in any way didn't left a good impression.
As the court proceedings continue. His lawyer try all his best act to make the judge rule in Haider's favour. Their plan was to make Haider confess and plead for mercy. Since he was teenager that was going to see his ailing mother in the hospital the night of accident that lead to him speeding in worry and hit the poor victim. It was an utter lie. But when Haider was brought for questioning he gave the best performance of his life, he should definitely become an actor  his father thought.
Finally after hearing both sides lawyers,  it was time for the judgment.
"I fully sympathise with the victim and no compensation will be enough to the family to take everything back. But as lawyer Mehta said, Haider is child himself who  was worried for his ailing mother and also probably got scared during the accident."  judge said   making Haider smile turn broder and broder by each second.

The judge continued," But we don't want any such mistakes to happen in future and I personally want to make people understand the importance of traffic rule,  awareness for road range etc. So we can leave Haider without  him fully understand the gravity of his mistakes."
" but sir, Haider.. " Mr Mehta tried to interven , but judge made him shut up.
Haider looked dumbfolded at the judge, didn't his dad paid this judge enough.

"Mr Haider Ali khan would have to pay capital compensation of 50 lakh to the victims family and also compulsory join the NCC to make him understand the importance of human life and make him see the right path." judge made her final words clear and left the court room.

Haider the punched the table hard  and angrily stride out of there. He is not going  to do any social service or stupid stuff like poor people.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2018 ⏰

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