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It was in the evening when Yoochan went out to go to the convenience store to get groceries. Yoochan had a full list of what he had to buy to be able to live through the week as a college student. That included cereal in the mornings, instant noodles whenever he was hungry for a snack, ready-made meals or take out in the evening and a lot of coffee. Yoochan couldn't believe how he used to be so eager to live on campus before, all he wanted to do now was go home. He was only in his first year of college and he had already missed his mom's cooking.

Yoochan was now by the dairy products, picking up milk for the cereal he had picked up earlier when a light-haired boy who was almost as tall as him grabbed his hand, intertwining them and making him drop the gallon of milk. Before Yoochan could say anything to begin with, the boy had already started talking.

"Hey baby, I was looking for you! Where were you?" The boy exclaimed smiling brightly.
"What the he-" Yoochan couldn't finish his words, the boy was talking again, this time his words left his mouth in a hushed manner.
"Listen, my crazy ex-girlfriend is somewhere behind us, she is spying on me. I told her I was grocery shopping with my boyfriend, but I don't have one. Please act like you're my boyfriend," the boy whispered to him hastily.

Yoochan locked gazes with the stranger, not too amused by his actions. He pulled his hand out of the boy's in a harsh manner and shook his head, he just could not believe it. This boy must be crazy, how could he think he would act like his boyfriend? And how could one grab a stranger's hand like that? He had no manners.

When Yoochan took a better look at him, he noticed how the boy's eyes were still asking for help silently while they were filled with something he could not recognize. The boy was pouting slightly, he was looking down on his shoes, too embarrassed to even look Yoochan in the eyes. His hair looked purposely messy, it was parted in the middle, showing off his forehead.

The boy was wearing a grey sweatshirt with pockets at the front – his hands were now in his pockets, awkwardly shuffling with his feet because of the rejection Yoochan showed – and some dark jeans with white sneakers, he looked casually handsome and it even made Yoochan think he looked like boyfriend material for a second. The thought did not last long though, he quickly shook it off.

Yoochan could only sigh slightly, why do these things had overcome him? Why now that he was trying to buy some milk? He just wanted to have some cereal tomorrow morning, for god's sake. He thought of a while then he nodded while he searched for the boy's hand, his own hand went into the pocket of the light-haired boy's, gripping his hand and pulling it out.
"Okay I will help you," he replied, almost whispering back.

The boy was smiling slightly, his eyes were forming into slight crescents while they gleamed and Yoochan smiled back, they were pretty. He intertwined their fingers again, and Yoochan unconsciously held his hand tighter. He looked thankful, flashing Yoochan a toothy smile. "Thank you," he mouthed before he grabbed the milk from the floor which Yoochan had dropped.

"But where is she? Your ex-girlfriend I mean." Yoochan hadn't seen a girl trying to spy on them just yet, he wondered when she wouldnattack them. He had to be ready, he didn't mind fighting an ex.

"Don't worry, she is probably hiding somewhere, I don't think she will over-hear our conversation so you can talk freely." The boy replied, before continuing. "So what are you cooking today... Sorry, what was your name? I'm Junhee by the way," he said putting the gallon of milk in the cart Yoochan had with him.

"It's Yoochan. And I will probably have some instant noodles today, I don't feel like cooking," Yoochan said letting go of Junhee's hand. He didn't want to leave hold of his hand just yet, but he had to so he could push the cart further down the aisle. Junhee went after him, hooking his arm with Yoochan's.

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