Too Late

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By: Sophie Bovberg

I was working at my desk late at night, when I looked at my clock which was next a picture of my family. I realized that it was around midnight. I hadn't even finished my report yet. I decided to save my work and pack up. I opened the door and instantly wanted to go back into my office. Trash was everywhere on the floor. Spilled cups of water lay on the floor, making it look slick. I wanted to go back, but I needed to get home. I slowly walked into the dark hallway, regretting all my decisions.

I could barely see anything in front of me. The darkness covered me like a wet blanket, but I kept walking. It was so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The only thing I could hear were my footsteps. The elevator was about fifteen feet away. I was so close. My heart was racing, my palms were sweating, and my hands were shaking.

I finally reached the elevator. I pressed the button, but it didn't work.


I turned around, but nobody was there. The bookshelf that used to be in an upright position was now on the floor, with books scattered all over the place. I tried the button again, but it still didn't work. I ran to the staircase and sprinted down the stairs. I skipped a step, tripped, and tumbled down the stairs. On my way down, I blacked out.

When I regained consciousness, I was in the janitor's closet.

How did I get here?

I got up, and sharp pain hit my head like a raging storm. I fell back to the ground in pain. But to my horror I wasn't the only person on the ground. Larry the janitor was lying next to me. Did he fall asleep or something? I slowly got up and looked at him. He looked as pale as a ghost.

"Larry?" I said, shaking him gently to try to wake him up. "Larry, wake up. Why are you so cold!?"

I fumbled for his pulse, but there was none. I started to freak out. Larry, the janitor, who I've known for years, is dead. I can't think of this now, I need to get out.

Good thing the janitor's closet was on the first floor. I exited the janitor's closet and headed toward the front of the office building.

I got to the door. I was so excited to get out of this place. I put my hand on the door and pushed. It was locked. No! There must be another way out. I decided to go to the monitor room to see if there was another exit out of this building. Then I realized the power was out. So instead of going to the monitor room, I decided to go to the fuse box to turn the power back on.

The fuse box was on the second floor, so I had to take the stairs again. The entrance to the stairs was all the way on the other side of the room. And the room was pitch black. I had a high possibility of injuring myself or falling. Again.

I slowly started making my way toward the entrance to the stairwell, making sure not to step on any shards of glass or any spilled drinks. The entrance to the stairs was about thirteen feet away. I saw the elevator, but since the power was out I couldn't use it. I totally forgot to pay attention to where I was stepping and slipped in a puddle of water. When I got up, I forgot where I was, and what direction I was going.

Too dark!

I looked in every direction trying to figure out where the stairs where, but I couldn't. I started walking in a random direction, hoping it was the right way. But unfortunately, it turned out I was going in the complete opposite direction.

I ended up in the lunch room, which was in the opposite direction of the stairs. I turned around and went in the other direction. So, what would have been thirteen feet if I'd gone in the right direction, turned out to be fifty feet.

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