Chapter 33

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"Now you got me cuffed. And you ain't even on me-"

"What?" I groaned picking up my phone.

Brandon: Be there in 15-

Me: Brandon I said I'm not going.

Brandon: be there in 14

I hung up and sighed. This kid won't take no for an answer.

"You better go. I need my ship to happen," Jewel mumbled awakening from her sleep. I pushed her shoulder and got out of bed.

"I'm not dating him," I hissed going to my closet.

"iM nOt dAtiNg hIm. Shut the hell up yes you are. You guys need to happen if not you're letting a twitter page down," She grumbled sitting up.

I turned around fast and gave her a questioning look. "We have a fan page?!"

"Yes. You guys are adorable to the fans and I. Don't let us down," Jewel laughed.

"You're not dead ass right now," I sighed shaking my head.

I threw on skinny jeans and a black and white, stripe, tight, crop top and my red vans. I applied mascara and red lip gloss and loosened my wavy hair. I ran my brush through it and grabbed my black leather jacket. The doorbell rang and I rolled my eyes.

"Girl you know you hype shut up," Jewel teased and I glared at her.

"You're extremely annoying this morning. Suck Zion's dick," I spat angrily and put on my jacket. I grabbed my purse and her mouth dropped.

"I mean alright," she sighed shrugging her shoulders. We burst into laughter and she said, "Have fun though. This is a good opportunity for you."

"Thanks I'll try," I laughed going downstairs. I opened the door and there was Brandon. He lifted a bag and handed it to me. I raised an eyebrow and looked in the bag. Muffins. He knows.

"Good morning," he smirked seeing me smile slightly.

"Now it is," I smirked as he lead the way to the car.


"Did you learn the song?" He asked as we put our stuff down.

"I already knew it. I love that song," I replied and he smiled. He turned on the lights and went to the sound booth.

"Come here imma show you a few things on a professional sound system," he said and I went to him.

He showed me a few keys that I wasn't familiar with but there was some that I knew. His knowledge on this stuff was amazing. He prepared the mics and went to the kitchen area.

"I'm making this special tea I use before singing for long periods of time. Here," he said handing me a mug. It smelt really good actually. It was peppermint and I smelled... honey?

We finished our drinks and took our seats. He took control of the system through an app on his phone and prepared the sound.

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