China 5

51 0 9

Jacob was dead (authors note!!' Im sorry for the gore!!)

Wmily nyaaa "NOOOOOOOOO"

She suddenly Kissdd him reLly long and deep

Jacob woke up "k/konnichiwa!!! Nya sugoi iie hai honoka chan desu kya watashi no anata oppa gamgan style!!"

Emily laughed cutely, her sapphire orbs staring at Jacob oppa. "Baka!!! Speak Korea desu!!!!"

Jacob looked at her. "D-did... you kiss daddy oppa style?"

Emily went 😽 again and they made out

They moved to the bed (AUTHORS NOT!!! IF UR NOT 18 LOOK AWAY)

Jacob took off his rick and morty shirt and Emily felt his rock hard nips

Then he put his peepee in her 😸 and then unf. oh yea. harder Jacob. yea baby. ohhhh yyeeaahh. I'm coming!!! Ah ah ah ah~~<

They both orgasmed and then he kissed her and said she was beautiful like an Asian

Hearts taken by the bad boy;jacob JACOB SARTORIUS FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now