Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

I ran to Marcus. I left human transportation in the dark and just ran. I was crying the entire way. I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to ask but I had to go to him. I had to see Mark. He was the only person I could go to for something like this and I needed him. Mark was the only person that I could count on to know the answers I needed.

When I finally reached his building I ran right past security. This was a facility for elders and this place was heavily guarded by loyal werewolves. I was well known here so I wasn't stopped by any of the guards. I was glad. I wasn't about to explain to them why I was crying. I didn't need a second wave on this emotional roller coaster. I'd already had enough as is. I was never one to cry. Never. I hated it. I think it's pathetic. There are better ways for a vampire to express how they're feeling. My kind was past most human emotion. Most of us refused to show any emotion at all. Elders usually remained strait faced in public and around others to display their authority. I may not have been an elder but I should have been using them as an example and do as they do.

As I reached Mark's hallway on the fifth floor -- I had abandoned the elevator. I felt the need to keep moving away from HQ. I wanted to be as far away from what happened as possible. I didn't have the emotional tolerance to stand still in an elevator. I would have broken down crying in the middle of the floor. I would have curled into a ball and cried myself to sleep like a human. I would have made an even bigger fool of myself.

I started calling out to Mark.

"Mark!" I shout just as I've reached his floor. I was gasping for air, between sobs. This wasn't normal for vampires, let alone me. Something was terribly wrong. I started to hear things being knocked over. I heard glasses shattering on the floor where they were dropped and forgotten to investigate the screaming young-ling in the hall. Vampires had always been just as terrible look-y-louse as humans had always been. One of the few things the human and vampire race had in common.

"Marcus!" The closer I came to his room the louder I screamed. I probably sounded like I was being raped or something. Every single vampire in the building was up here to investigate. They could not let this go unrecognized. I felt several dozens of pairs of eyes on me. I felt them staring; gawking. They weren't sure how to take me in. Most of them were ashamed of me. They felt I was acting like a child. Honestly I was but I didn't know what else to do or how to react. This seemed as best a reaction I could have to the news of having to kill one of my own kind. Crying seemed as if it were the only thing I could do right now.

"Mark!" I was five doors away from his when I started sobbing harder and I tripped. I just laid there in the hall after I called out to him one last time. "Marcus!" That was it. I laid there for about ten seconds before he grabbed me up and carried me into his apartment like a baby. He kicked the door shut behind him and carried me strait to the bed. He leaned against the head board and pulled me into his lap. Held me tight as I cried into his chest.

I felt him rocking me slightly back and forth. I felt him rubbing my shoulder, kissing my hair. I fist-ed my hands in his shirt and burrowed my face in his chest as I sobbed and screamed. He kept up his efforts until I calmed down and only hick-ups remained. My cheeks were stained with tears. My eyes were bloodshot. My breathing ragged. I felt weak with such tremendous emotion. I needed sleep. I needed blood.

He grabbed my chin gently and pushed my hair out of my face. Really I was too old for this so he knew something was wrong."Are you okay now?" I couldn't look at him. I couldn't bring myself to look into his eyes.

"No," I whisper.

"What's wrong? Why were you crying like that?" A stray tear escaped my eye and he stole it away with his thumb.

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