33.Prank war (Payback)

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Jada's P.O.V
It was about 12:00 we all was in the living room Ar'mon Trey, Jazz "I finna take a shower" trey said Hw got up he went in the room upstairs "Aye y'all wanna do a prank on trey" Ar'mon said "Yup what kind tho" I said "Yeah I'm in" Jazz said "The icy hot prank" Ar'mon said "Ooo I heard that shit be intense" Jazz said trey came downstairs "Babe you wanna take a shower with me?" Trey said As much as I wanted to say yes because I never took a trey and I really wanted to try Ar'mon gave me a stare "No baby I'm fine" I said responding

"No my DICK" Everybody stared at trey we all told him it was a prank "Babe you need to take another shower" I said he was mad he was hitting all of us
"My sister is coming today!"I screamed I was happy asf She just texted me I never seen my sister in a minute

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Sorry for the short chapter

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