Fantasy (Rough Draft)

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Chapter 1

Part 1

The small crimsoned child, from the rays of the sun was forced to cool down the flame on his skin in the cool water. Being only a young child he dragged his older sister with him into the cold clear water. It blinded them into a stumbling helpless stance and as they fumbled and played the cold water, cooling their Scarlett skinned bodies, they seemed not to notice the black water approaching and overwhelming the clear blue ocean's water. It continued to approach them unobtrusively.

A scream in the sand had awoken the children from their oblivious dream. Turning to the, now after much accumulation, large beast made of what seemed to be a wall of dark black ocean. Screaming the children scurried and splashed though the thick water trying to aproach the shore, as the being behind them created a shadow that looked as if it covers the sun itself. In the dark, the young girl did not notice the young boy grabbed and shrouded in the flume of blackness. For his shrieks had been muffled into silence by the drowning ocean waters. That plumed through his throat and covered his body within seconds he was unconscious and the girl was on shore.

Just noticing the absence of her brother. The girl cried a sad sorrowful cry that would brake the heart of an impaler. This cry reached very far and about a mile or so away another (not as young) girl and her sister heard the cry. But that was not the reason they were heading to the beach experiencing such horror. They had warning of the monster prior to the attack however they were at such a distance away from the ocean. They had attempted to send a warning but for some reason their swift red messenger hawk had not arrived and sent warning to the people on the beach.

It was a mystery to be thought about at a later time, for now they had to kill the beast.

The two girls had rode through the forest they were both mounted on the same large plain brown horse. They knew their was something special about that unimpressive horse. But they were yet to find out. For a horse of such lameness could not possibly exceed normal limits of strength and speed that this horse was able to obtain.

However the ride continued. They ran past moss covers oaks and through skin cutting brush. Even though the shear thickness of the terrain was enough to stop an automobile, the horse was skilled enough to weave through it unscathed. As they approached the beach they could hear the cries of the people as they noticed the monster emerge from the ocean. This horror just made their haste quicken.

The young girl had made it to her mother. The mother was distraught to learn that her son was no where to be found and very soon was she in hysteria. The girl herself had a bit more strength and surprisingly being so young she had not a single tear to show for her brothers disappearance. Not showing that she didn't care but that for some reason she saw a glimmer of hope, that her brother and all the other souls on the beach lives would be spared. And that hope shine through for unseen to the naked eye a sparkling sword had found itself placed onto the top of the beasts head. Right through the dark water skull into a not so protected humans skull and killing the person responsible for creating the beast.

On top of the monster was a girl of around 15 years of age. Her skin was a somewhat tan yet quite fair complexion that covered her entire body. With long flowing loosely curled hair. That layer upon a humble white T-shirt and khaki shorts. Next to the girl was a horse. No not the brown horse of great skill, but a thinner and smaller white horse that had wings. Mounted on this horse was the girls sister; a child of 14. This one had beautiful pale skin, whiter than the clouds above their heads and deep blue eyes, bluer than the ocean below their feet. She was clothed in a simple old styled hood and a blue cropped shirt and white jeans.

As the black water monster started to shake and

collapse back into the ocean the black goo that corrupted it fell back and retreated far past sight into the horizon. Knowing that they'd be unable to battle any enemy made of the goo they spared themselves the time and went after the human inside.

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