Chapter Two

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Everyone was in a buzz this morning. Not me, I don't think Cassie was either. But everyone else was just dying and couldn't wait to meet the famous Adam O'Brien and plus, news had it that his best friend Simon Kingsworth was coming to the school too.
All the girls were in their best outfits and of course the 'popular' girls, such as Drew and her minions, in their tightest, shortest and sluttiest clothes.
Me, I was wearing nice clothes today, just to blend in but at the same time I didn't exactly as I was wearing my ripped, black jeans, white t-shirt, pink, white and blue checkered shirt and my kaki green beanie. But just to fit in a tinsy bit, I decided to wear my black, leather boot heels and I was wearing the basic make-up.

I met up with Cassie, Sarah and Kyle in the carpark and they too were dressed normally, well maybe Sarah was a bit over dressed in her white mini skirt, royal blue blouse, silver heels and she'd washed her honey coloured, smooth hair and it was gleaming in the sunshine. Whilst Kyle was just wearing his usual hoodie and jersey and jeans, just looking at her with pure adoration, everyone always thought that they were going out as you could see the love in their eyes, but they never did.
Cassie in all her glory was wearing her black dress that had a lace with flower pattern, across the top and her black fish net tights and our boots were matching, we'd both seen them and decided to buy them as a sign of our friendship, her famous kaki green leather jacket to keep out the cold was draped across her motorbike in the parking where we were standing.
"This is going to be a long, long day" I stated
"Your can say that again" Cassie said.
"I think this will be the best day of my life" Sarah let out with a sigh.
"Seriously" Kyle said, looking at Sarah like he couldn't believe what she was saying.
And then we walked into the school to get to our lockers before class would start and we were late.

No one knew whose class they would be in, so everyone was very psyched up as they all clambered into first class, everyone trying to make sure they had no one to sit beside, me I was stuck with Cassie and Sarah, but then Mrs. Harkin, the bitch, made Cassie and Sarah move because they were talking to much and I was left alone, sitting at a table with two empty chairs beside me at my table of three.
I got my books out and was just about to take out my pen when the people everyone had been waiting for walked into our Biology classroom just as the second bell, telling us that class should start rang.
The room went into absolute chaos, all the girls started screaming (not including Cassie and myself, though I could swear I could hear Sarah screaming, but then again she'd always such a drama queen).

I never thought that my ears could burst at the sound of screams, but, well here I was, my eardrums popping.

"EVERYONE CALM DOWN AND TAKE YOUR SEATS RIGHT NOW, THE NEXT PERSON THAAT GETS UP WITHOUT PERMISSION IS GOING TO HAVE LUNCH TIME DETENTION WITH ME FOR THREE WEEKS," Mrs. Harkin screeched at us, the hag, but then again it worked because nobody can endure one lunch time detention with Mrs. Harkin, let alone every lunch time for three weeks, oh and she knew it, the witch, so she always used it to her advantage. Let me tell you, she is one scary woman.
"Mr. O'Brien, Mr. Sangster, I'm so sorry, please excuse them, but I'm just warning you now, you are still my students and I will treat you the same as them," she said nodding in our direction, "No special treatment just because you're famous, got it?"

"Yes, Mrs." Adam said with a grin on his face. Then Simon started laughing at him. They both looked way to happy when she had said that.
I could've sworn all the girls swooned (that is except me and Cassie) at the sight of Adam's grin and Simon's laugh.

"Alright go sit down, and let me get on with this class," Mrs. Harkin said.
And before I knew it the two most famous guys in this school were seated beside me and everyone was starring at me, I hate attention.
I was getting glares from all over the room, especially from Drew, that witch. But they had nothing to fear, I don't fall in love, I don't fall for anyone, so yeah, I was still a virgin and I still hadn't gotten my first kiss, my proper first kiss anyway.

Don't ask.

"What's up," Adam said to me. He was just like all the other players in this school, trying to make you blush and like them to make themselves feel good, that would even include Kyle, he always had girls fawning over him, but this wasn't working and never will work on me.

"Don't mind him, he's just trying to get your tongue caught up to make himself laugh," Simon said with a smile.

"Who said I would get my tongue caught up?" I replied with a tone, a tone that implied that I didn't give two shits about what Adam O'Brien had to say to me.

"But you're welcome to try any other girl, except Cassie, she's like me, she doesn't give a shit either" I said with a laugh.

"I like you already," Simon said while he was laughing at Adam's sour and confused face. To be honest it was kind of funny.

When Mrs. Harkin's torture class was finally over Cassie came over to me as I packed my bag and got ready to go to English with Mrs. Roberts.

"To be honest, I thought she'd be worse this year than she was last year" she said with a laugh and blowing a bubble with her super pink chewing gum.


"Sure thing Mrs. H, I'll be there, " Cassie said with a laugh.

Simon was starring at her in awe, I think he liked her, but if he thought he would ever get a chance with the girl famous for her bad behaviour, I think he was in for a bumpy ride.

"Hey, we don't know or way around the school, would you guys mind helping us out," Adam asked us while winking at Cassie, we were already half way down the hall and I had been starting to wonder why the two boys had been following us.

"You wouldn't be able to get into my pants, even if you had a tank and an army" Cassie spat out at Adam, whilst laughing her head off at his reaction. So many boys had tried to hit on Cassie but she just ended up hitting them and they being in hospital for weeks.

I think that Simon was all over her. The look on his face was priceless. I think she knew it too.

"Fine" I say as I give in with total annoyance. "Show me your timetables."
They hand over their timetables to me and I inspect them,

Great, Simon was in all my class.
And so was Adam.

I then explained to them how to read their timetables and then I just said if you can't remember where the class is, just follow me. This was going to be long day.

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