Garfield X Jon Lasagna fic

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Garfield was moping around the house, clearly distressed. Today happens to be his absolute least favorite day; Monday. Nothing could cheer him up, and Jon could tell that he needed something to brighten his day. After months of waiting to execute his plan he decided that today was the day. Jon knew that he must've looked crazy due to how excited he was, however he couldn't hold it in. He rushed to the basement to get everything he needed to set up outdoors, then ran to the supermarket to get ingredients for Garfield's favorite meal.

"Garfield come out here I have a surprise for you!" Jon yells excitedly from the balcony.

Garfield walks outside to see a beautifully decorated dinner table with a checkered tablecloth, roses, and candles. The scent of lasagna was in the air, but Garfield's attention was not focused on that, but rather Jonathan Hubert Arbuckle face down doggy style on the table. Jon was not wearing any pants and had his gaping asshole overflowing with lasagna. Garfield's jaw had dropped and he was at a loss for words.

"Come, sit down," said Jon eyes gleaming with excitement and passion. Slowly and carefully Garfield took his first step towards the chair directly in front of Jonathan's lasagna filled asshole. After around three steps Garfield sat down in the chair still incredibly nervous.

"Jon, what is this, what are you doing?" Garfield asks.

Jon turns his head, looking over his shoulder he says "Garfield I know you hate Mondays so I prepared a nice lasagna dinner for you to feel better."

Garfield's eyes widen even more, "Jon this is crazy, you expect me to consume delectable lasagna out of your pulsating, saucy asshole?"

"Yes, of course" Jonathan says completely seriously

"Well, I mean I think you've sold me." says Garfield

Jon, still looking over his shoulder says, "tonight I am the meal, so dig in."

Garfield tucks a napkin into his fur, grabs a fork and knife, and slams his face into Jon's lasagna filled asshole. Sucking and slurping up the cheesy, saucy lasagna Garfield moans in pleasure. Jon's asshole tightens and loosens with the motion of Garfield's tongue.

Eventually Garfield consumed all the lasagna that his tongue could reach, however Jon had packed lasagna into his asshole as far as his hands could reach. Garfield is determined to eat all of the lasagna. He has an idea, and he slowly starts to insert his head into Jon's asshole. Jon moans with intense pleasure. Garfield inserts his head fully into Jon's lasagna filled anus. Jon's toes curl in pleasure, and he screams a moan. Garfield fully immerses himself into Jon. Jon had never been happier, he had always wanted his cat to consume lasagna out of his sexy rectum. They had never been closer, finally one in mind, spirit, body, and soul. Garfield has trouble navigating Jon's cavern, but eventually finds the rest of the lasagna. Consuming it at top speed, he finally finishes the saucy dish. Garfield suddenly realizes his fatal mistake, he hadn't had a bowel movement all day, and had eaten lasagna which everyone knows makes him have to shit. Jon feels Garfield's claws sensually scratching the inside of his sensitive cavity. Jon moans in pleasure and pain. Suddenly he feels shit leaking out of his tight hole, confused, Jon decides to look at it. He then realizes that he didn't have to shit at all. He knows that his very sexy Garfield must've had to shit due to the sheer amount of lasagna he consumed. Garfield must not have been able to hold it in, and shit himself inside of Jon. This had always been Jon's ultimate fantasy. His white, salty, and sticky fluid explodes all over the gorgeous table set up, Jon, covered in shit and sperm could no longer hold his position, and collapses on the table.

"Um, Jon?" Garfield says.

Jon was slightly shocked that he could hear Garfield speak from inside his love hole.

"Garfield what's wrong?" Jon asks, worried for his lover, who is also his cat.

"Jon, I can't escape your sexy hole." Garfield says, his voice quivering.

This was the moment Jon had been waiting for. He hadn't imagined it would get to this. He didn't think Garfield would have actually climbed inside his cavity and gotten himself stuck. This was perfect. Jon smirked in anticipation, and started to push. Garfield's ears started to emerge. Jon felt like he was giving birth to his lover. Finally Garfield slid out lubed up in shit, blood, and lasagna sauce. At this point you couldn't tell the difference between the three.

"Well, that was a sensual adventure." Garfield says.

Now Garfield hates Mondays a little less.

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