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Part 4

*Nathan’s POV*

I slammed the door to mine and Jay’s room behind me and stormed out of the hotel. I was furious! How could he be so selfish!? Didn’t he understand what this could do to the band! Our careers could be over within a few days if this got out! Everything we’d worked towards for the past 2 years, over. I found a nearby park bench, and collapsed into it, letting my head fall into my hands. There was nobody around and it was dark, so I didn’t have to worry about hiding my face. My phone buzzed in my pocket. I pulled it out and it was a text from Jay.

-Nathan, I’m sorry okay? I know I’m stupid. I don’t know what I was thinking, just...think about it, ok? Hope you’re alright, don’t get into trouble x-

I didn’t reply. Instead, I logged onto twitter. Somehow, the fans always found a way to make me feel better. Scrolling through my mentions, there were a lot of tweets about “Jaythan.” Usually I would just laugh and say that the fans were being their usual, weird selves, but for some reason, not this time. I started reading through the tweets and looking at the pictures. I looked at Jay’s face in every picture, and every time I noticed something new about him I’d never noticed. How his hair curled perfectly, his perfect blue eyes, his lopsided smile. I felt a small smile creep onto my lips as I thought about him. Then I stopped myself. Why was I thinking like this? I wasn’t gay...was I? I shoved my phone back in my pocket and started walking around the park, thinking hard to myself...

...was I falling in love with Jay McGuiness?

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