August 26th

36 1 3

"Seriously?" said Reigen.

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and walked over to the young woman who sat slumped over the bar, her gently twitching fingers reaching for the empty glass next to her head.

Reigen picked it up and sniffed it.


Was she even old enough for that?

"Umm..." dammit, how were you supposed to talk to drunk girls? "Hello? Perry, can you hear me?"

A drowsy blue eye flickered open. Its owner's fingers slowly curled in to...

"Oh come on, that's just rude," said Reigen.

Perry muttered something in a language he didn't recognise.

"Hey," he said to get the bartender's attention, "how much did you give her?"

"As much as she paid for," the man replied flippantly.

Reigen's eyes returned to his employee, then back to the bartender.

"So... what?" he asked. "She just gave you money and you let her get black-out drunk?"

"I've got a business to run here!" the man argued.

Reigen rolled his eyes and sighed. He picked up Perry's arm and pulled her onto his shoulder.

"You'd better be glad tomorrow's Sunday," he admonished.

"Pith off," was the unceremonious response.

Her feet fumbled as her boss walked her towards the door.

"I guess," he said as they navigated the threshold, "if you're going to get so plastered you can't move, it's a good idea giving a contact number to the person serving you. Could've chosen someone a bit more responsible though."

He glared back over his shoulder as the door swung closed.

When he looked back at Perry, her eyes were closed, and he jostled her to keep her awake.

"Hey!" he said again, and noticed the moped parked beside the door. "You weren't planning on driving in this state, were you? I get that you're still not that old but that's pretty irresponsible, even for you."

"Fuck you," Perry replied.

Reigen frowned.

"You're never going to get a full-on motorbike with this kind of behaviour," he told her.

He bundled her onto the moped, slapping her helmet onto her head after a moment's consideration.

"Okay," he said, "let's get you home."

He'd made it about three metres down the path before he remembered that he didn't have any idea where she lived.

"Shit..." he muttered.

Where to go...

He couldn't just leave her in a hotel. She'd be horribly hungover by next morning and that wasn't something that any person should have to suffer through alone. Unless, of course, she was one of those strange people who never got hungover no matter how much they drank the night before.

Come to think of it, what kind of effects did alcohol have on espers? Did Serizawa drink? Mob definitely didn't, of course, but-

Dammit, this was getting off track.

He looked back down at her. She almost looked as though she could be asleep. He shook her shoulder to make sure she wasn't.

"Where do you live?" he asked.

August 26thWhere stories live. Discover now