~The Princess Meets The Model~

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Sunlight peered inside the room and a red haired girl sat up from the bed. She rubbed her eyes and swung her legs over to the side.

She picked her phone up and checked the time.


She opened the window and stuck her head outside. She smiled to herself as warm sunlight greeted her. She felt the seasonal breeze as she breathed in a gulp of air.

She placed her head back inside and yawned.

My name is Akashi Seira. I am 16 years old. I'm the daughter of Akashi Shinichi, the emperor of Japan.

I am currently staying at a vacation house in Tokyo. We don't usually come here so it makes a good hiding place.

I turned around and someone opened the door to my light blue painted bedroom.

"Milady?" Sebastian called as he bowed.

"Good morning, Sebastian" I said with a small smile.

Sebastian Matsumoto, our family butler. He's been around for as long as I can remember.

"Breakfast is ready, your highness" he said while placing his gloves inside his pockets.

I nodded and opened the closet. I got my bath necessities and my uniform then smiled at Sebastian "I would like to take a bath first, Sebastian"

"As you wish, milady" he said with a bow "Would you like me to prepare the tub?"

"No need, I'll be using the shower"

I stepped inside the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I changed out of my pajamas and entered the shower.

After a few minutes of taking a bath and playing with my rubber frog toy, I came out of the bathroom wearing my uniform.

I have a rubber frog toy because the frog looks cute. I love cute things.

I wore a black wig and tied the shiny black locks up into pigtails using a yellow ribbon.

I went straight to the mirror and examined myself. I'll be studying in Teiko Junior High, a school filled with students that excel in their studies and other extracurricular activities, like sports.

I'm going to study there as a second year. It's also my first time studying in a school. My stepmother hires royal tutors for me.

I clenched my fists as I thought about her. I despise her. I hate her from the bottom of my heart.

She's the reason why I ran away. She's the one who set up that horrible arranged marriage. She's also the person who caused father's death.

I felt something wet run down my cheeks as I hastily wiped my tears.

An emotionally broken human. That's what people call someone like me...

I took a deep breath and picked up my bag.

I should go...or else I'll be late.

I exited my bedroom and went downstairs.

I went straight to the dining room and sat down on one of the chairs. I placed my hands together and muttered 'Itadakimasu' before digging in.

"Sebastian, this is good" I exclaimed after eating the seasoned fish he cooked for me.

"I'm glad you like it, milady"

"Sebastian" I called him while placing my chopsticks on the plate. I gave him a stern look and I saw cold sweat run down his face.

"Y-Yes, milady?" he asked nervously.

The Princess and the ModelWhere stories live. Discover now