I Don't Even.....

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So, this is gonna be a bunch of crap involving anything from music to ponies to life in general!





Sometimes, when I'm alone, I pace around in circles for a while. Occassionally, while doing this, I will attempt to travel back in time by going really fast. I've never actually managed to do so, but one day, I will! I swear on the name of candy!


I once befriended a normal human. They were using me. ;_; I HATE PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!!!!!!


One time, that Cruise song was on the radio, and I asked my dad,

"Dad, would this be called C-Rap because it's country and rap?"

He laughed and said,

"Why, yes, yes it would."

It took me a minute to realize why he was laughing. 

If you don't get it, spell out C-Rap. It'll all make sense.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2014 ⏰

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