Chapter 1

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Former Authoress: Primsgirl89 (You can find her on too!)

Beater/Reviser & New Authoress: Kartara (You can find me on too.)

Quick note: I, Kartara, adopted this series form Primsgirl89 and began to write for it. Prim and I both agreed that it'd be best if I edited the past chapters (Chapters 1 – 6) in my own style and upload it as my own fan-fiction to avoid copyright. Credit for the original story plot and development should go to her for these lovely chapters!

Quick note: I, Kartara, adopted this series form Primsgirl89 and began to write for it. Prim and I both agreed that it'd be best if I edited the past chapters (Chapters 1 – 6) in my own style and upload it as my own fan-fiction to avoid copyright. Credit for the original story plot and development should go to her for these lovely chapters!

Former Authoress' Notes:

Hey everyone!

I have seen some Obi and Shirayuki stories. I love them so much I wanted to try and write a fic of my own for it. I know I haven't finished my more popular fic of Natsu and Lucy, but I am stuck on it. I just remembered that I had it, and if someone explains to me how someone can adopt it I will let them have it. So wish me luck on this new story. Characters my be OOC...sorry. Also Shirayuki isn't going to be an herbalist, she still has all the knowledge, but she is Zens organizer and personal doctor, assigned by his Lord Brother xD.

It became apparent that someone didn't want Shirayuki to be in the castle any longer. Why would someone want her—the person that seemed to be the only one Prince Zen will listen to—to leave the castle? Everyone admired how she had gotten the hyperactive Second Prince to do his work, but most importantly do it right. Some think she had given herself to the Prince to get him to listen to her. Others say that the Prince genuinely cared for her, either as a lover or little sister, and that he wanted to prove himself to her. She had gotten many people to open up to her and think so highly of her—even the first Prince Izana, albeit he didn't show it. The guards all protected her when she was around. She helped encourage everyone do what their job is when she was around, simply by the mere sight of her presence. Everyone wanted to show her that they were doing their job right.

But who wanted her out? That would be him, more commonly known as Lord Haruka. He didn't want her here. He believed that she was deceiving everyone with the notion that she was this innocent little advisor. She wasn't fooling him. She hasn't even gotten her royal pass that all employers to work at this castle, for crying out loud!

He made sure everything was in order and where everything should be, and if it wasn't...

Well, that's a story for another time.

She had come here a couple years ago from a forest after having left her home country. From what he heard from Prince Zen, she was tending to a wounded black cat. That cat also seemed to love her and instantly began following her everywhere, most noticeably to the castle. Everyone was able to pet the yellow-eyed cat, since it took an instant liking to everyone, save for Lord Haruka. Whenever he tried—which, admittedly, was quite a few times—the beast scratched and hissed at him. After shooing the cat away, it goes up to the wretched bumpkin and curls around her neck, purring ever so softly. She named the cat Midnight Star after seeing how lucky the cat was with its aphorism of nine lives. She thought that the cat seemingly had no end nor any beginning, just like a midnight star, and also because its pelt resembled that of a midnight-shrouded sky. For short, people either call it Midnight or Star. He called it Demon.

She was a smart girl, thus leading Lord Haruka to believe was how she was deceiving everyone. She was too smart, too smart for a girl who apparently stayed in a forest. She was feeding everyone lies. Lied from where she was from, how she learned what she did. No, he never had any real conclusions with self-evident evidence, he just knew.

He soon hired a trained and highly skilled assassin to spook or kill her, not that he prioritised one over the other. He honestly didn't care, so long as she was gone. The whole castle will be glad that a possible threat is gone from the castle, he told himself when he was hesitant.

The guy reminded him of that stupid cat. As he was walking by to see if his assassin completed his job on that red-haired distraction, he saw the Princes talking about that red head. Knowing that Prince Izana was well in tune with his surroundings, he stayed where he was, listening.

"-Brother! Why would someone say that she and I have had an affair?! We aren't even together!" Prince Zen exclaimed. No wonder everyone thought she was sleeping around with the second Prince. I honestly believe it and that she did the same thing with the first Prince.

"Hush. You're making a scene," Prince Izana stated calmly. Once Prince Zen is calmed enough, he speaks again, though Lord Haruka doesn't listen as he started on his way down to where his assassin and he agreed to meet. I swear if he didn't kill her or spook her, I am going to kill him then her. I have been here longer than she had, and yet everyone is weary of me. It's SHE who they should be wary about. She is still new! I am accustomed to palace life! She isn't!

He smiled in satisfaction at the thought of how the two would or might be dead. Most who saw him smiling would back away and hide. Must be my wrinkles... I am fifty, after all.

He entered the gardens and saw the bane of his existence. She was elbow-deep in that disgusting dirt. Shouldn't she be making sure that the Second Prince was doing his work?

"So... are you pregnant with either of the princes' child yet?" He sneered, swiftly approaching her from behind and taking her off-guard. He decided to take his anger out on her. She is the reason why I am gaining a new headache. She has only been here for a couple years, but everyone trusts her more than me! Her relationships with everyone are strong, to the point where everyone is doing their jobs right. She makes everyone around her seem comfortable with her and inspires them to tell her things that shouldn't be told to her, but should be with me! IT'S MY JOB! It sickens me!

She was still planting herbs. Must have been asked by the chief herbalist. Why do they trust her so much?!

"Excuse me?" She asked, baffled and scared. She still didn't take her hands away from the soil. Her back was towards him so she couldn't look him in the eyes before turning around to face him. Half of my dream is coming true! All she needs to do is beg for me to keep her alive. Hmm... maybe I could use her for my personal toy. The Princes probably already do, anyhow.

"I see he hasn't done his job of spooking or killing you," He noted coldly, his voice void of any emotion sans hatred. His eyes slanted as he glowered down at her. Her eyes widen, not expecting him to tell her this. Her emerald eyes look scared, but very determined. Why is she so determined? Does she think someone will come to rescue a nuisance like her? Keep dreaming, girl. Everyone is too busy.

He expected her to get down on her hands and knees, begging him to spare her. Her small body quivered in fear, albeit he didn't get that kind of reaction. He was slightly disappointed, wanting to draw out her torment. Okay, he was highly disappointed. If she won't give me that pleasure, then she can die!

Lord Haruka took out his sword and charged at her. He didn't even make it relatively close before he felt three small weapons enter him. He turned around to see the princes glaring at me before shifting their gaze at the girl, though the look they gave her was one of brotherly care while the one directed at him was one of pure anger.

Then, he looked down at his heavily-bleeding chest to find three small knives, more specifically known as kunai. He fell to his knees. This is it... I'm dying.

"Die... you... wrench," He huffed out with pure hatred before throwing the knife at her. The last thing he saw was it make a nick her cheek before everything went cold and dark.

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