You Gotta Dance With Who You Came With

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Rating: PG-13

POV: 3rd, Brendon's

Summary: Brendon forgot about the prom but decides that it's a rite of passage he cannot miss, and Ryan acts like the bitch that he is, only not really.


It's just a stupid high school thing that completely escapes Brendon's attention because he is busy packing up for Maryland and trying to get their songs into recordable conditions, and of course, he is simultaneously trying to pass his classes and show up on time for his shift in Smoothie Hut. If the day had fifty hours in it, Brendon would still be running around and complaining about a lack of time. It is hardly a surprise that he hasn't had any time to even consider the P word, especially lately when all he can think about is this stupid boy who can play guitar really well, but then it's there in front of him, in the huge banner that is being put up above the gym doors.

Jake from English class nudges his side. "The prom, dude! Exciting! Who you taking?"

"Um. Uh." He forgot about the prom. He forgot.

Jake looks thoughtful. "Everyone's got dates already, but I haven't heard you saying anything about it. So who are you going with?"

"No one," he admits, now silently cursing himself. He could have asked Lindsey or Natalie, but those two will most certainly have dates already. Oh god, who is he going to ask? Who does he know that would be even remotely interested in going with him as friends, nothing more?

"No one?" Jake repeats, astonished.

"I'm not," Brendon says hurriedly, a bit horrified. "I'm not going. I'm gonna skip it." Yeah, he is totally going to skip it. One of the most significant nights of his teenage life. Who needs it, really, dressing up and dancing to cheesy songs the horrible DJ puts on?

"You can't skip it. You might be class clown, you gotta be there! No one skips the prom. It's a rite of passage."

Jake is right. Brendon tries to convince himself that no one will notice if he doesn't go to the damn thing. He'd be the dateless loser, anyway, and that isn't the kind of impression he wants his fellow seniors to remember. He was more aiming for the 'My band has a record deal and we'll be super famous someday' impression. And even if he had noticed that the prom was just around the corner, who could he have realistically asked? He's gay, for god's sake.

The whole thing is so stupid.

"I'll think about it," he mutters, going to his locker and fumbling with the lock. "I might not have time to, like, with the band and all."

Jake shrugs like it's his loss. Brendon looks back to the beautiful, sparkly banner and feels his insides twist with longing.

* * *

He brings it up during band practice purely by accident, and Ryan says, "I had fun at mine. I matched my tie with my date's pink dress and everything."

Brendon tries not to think about Ryan's arm around some girl. Girls are freaking stupid.

Brent rolls his eyes. "Can't believe you're straight."

"I think you mean perceptive and polite," Ryan counters, but his eyes linger on Brendon for a second, like maybe Brendon is about to step in and call Ryan's sexuality into question because the two of them have, maybe, kind of, made out a few times within the past month.

They practise on each other. Kids do that kind of stuff. It's not abnormal at all.

Brendon remains silent, and they forget about the prom and focus on a song that is currently titled Congregation. Ryan drives him home afterwards, and they remain parked outside Brendon's building for a good ten minutes, making out in the car until the windows begin to fog up. Brendon's been waiting for this moment the entire day. He knows it's pretty pathetic.

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