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i put my faith into you
and you put the ugly in my eye
by saying
"i care"
by saying
"don't cry"

you put the ugly in my eyes
and i saw you for who you were
all we were
three words
two lips
one big damn lie


cause you know i don't always cry when i'm sad
smile when i'm happy

but i sure as hell
cry when you're sad, baby
smile when you're happy, darling

we're so in love
oh so in love
i can't get enough
of your satin red wine love


wie undankbar es doch ist ein mensch zu sein,
welcher so undankbar auf das leben herabsieht und es verflucht,
den tod dennoch fürchtet.
mehr als das leben sogar,
mehr als alles andere

i found those in my computer today and i love how i wrote these a long time ago and still feel and understand what i was trying to express through them.

the people that told me before that you need to write for yourself:
one of the
realest advices i've ever gotten.

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