The Cloud

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Suppose that you were walking on a trail and suddenly the air gets thicker and your vision is foggy. When you breathe, you take in air so cold that a heavy winter coat couldn't protect you from it.

Your lungs suddenly fill with warm air as you let out another breathe. Well, that's what situation Maddie was in on a normal boring Monday.

One morning a girl woke up on a foggy and humid day. She awoke a minute before her alarm clock went off and jumped out of bed. NOT. Maddie actually had opened her eyes to her mom shaking her saying the bus will be here in five minutes. That's really when she jumped out of her bed, raced downstairs with her mother following, or at least trying to. In the morning Maddie was uncoordinated so just like every other morning, she tripped on the third to last step and fell face first onto the hardwood floors of the living room. Her mom was so used to this that she single-handedly pulled her daughter up with one swift movement. "Ugh!" She shouted, "What is wrong with me!?" Maddie ran into the kitchen, grabbed a cinnamon pop tart, slipped it into the toaster and ran back upstairs.

"No, nope, when did I get this? Yes!" She was happy to find that her new tank top was hanging up in her closet. That was until she noticed the ketchup stain on the back. Maddie opened her dresser and pulled out her favorite jean shorts. Her mirror showed a fourteen year old girl with long brown hair, a navy neon blue tank top and jean shorts. Her hands pulled her hair into a ponytail, making her ocean eyes stand out. She was ready to go as she went back down stairs and slipped on her backpack and flip flops. "Honey, your pop tart!" Her mom said. "Oh thanks mom, love ya!" Maddie responded as she grabbed her breakfast and ran to her bus stop. Just as the pop tart completely disappeared, the bus came to a stop. She got on and took a seat in seat 16 next to her best friend Sydney.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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