The Planet Yachaar; Land of the jackals, Hot sands, the Occasional Giant Oasis Dragon, and the third moon named Fho, is not what you would expect of a habitable world. In fact it is very habitable. Habitable for two different sapient species. These two species mostly live segregated from one another, but there is only one city on the entirety of the planet. so how do we divide such a city? Simple! The Yachaarans have come up with a genius plan to split the city horizontally. The Top City will go to the native Yachaarans, and the Bottom city will go to the Humans. It's all wonderful right? No.. You see, my best friends are humans. I was raised among them. Humans and yachaarans are not much different from each other anyways, if you don't count the shiny, black horn protruding from my forehead, and my tail, and the fact that humans only have two genders. Then we are pretty much exactly the same! My third gendered mother always told me to never look at the third moon, but of course I never listened, because I was always out of the house playing with the humans. When my mother visited, which she often does, she would be blathering in native Yachaaran about how it's getting late, and the third moon is about to rise, and calling me by my full name. The humans could never pronounce my real name, so they just call me Bill. The humans also wondered why Yachaarans of the third gender have the largest forehead horn. Humans wonder about a lot of things. That's why I like them.
Yachaaran people always seem like mindless zombies at night time, never looking up at the wonderful moons, for their superstitions that something bad would happen. One night, I broke that rule. Jenny, My human best friend, dared me to look at the third moon Fho. She said it would make me even cooler, and since we were all children at the time, I believed it. So I looked at the third moon. Apparently, the only way you could tell the moons apart was by size. since the three moons looked as if they were exact copies of each other, and They probably are. Anyways, I finally realized why my Mother told me never to do that. A terrifying jolt of electricity coursed through my body. It felt like I stuck a fork in a wall outlet. I collapsed, with my head horn breaking my fall. I awoke to Jenny looking down at me with huge eyes. She was speechless, but still managed to give me a thumbs up. All the human children cheered as if I wasn't hurt. I did in fact become cooler that day.
With the new segregation laws in place, I cannot go see Jenny very often, even though she is now my girlfriend. because I would have to take forty flights of stairs just to get to her apartment, because the elevator is out of order. That and I would be breaking the law, most likely. but there's this thing that humans invented hundreds of years ago, called a smartphone, that has these things called apps, and these apps are very fun sometimes! also I can speak to Jenny from far away! so I did that after playing on some apps. She said: "Hi Bill. I'm sorry. We can't meet anymore. I don't want to break the law, and I also have a new boyfriend who is a human. I hope you can understand. Goodbye.". She hung up without me even saying a word, and I went back to playing Farmville.
I guess the third moon event didn't matter to me anymore, but I am starting to notice more Yachaarans looking at it nowadays than I had when I was a child. Mostly out of manic depression, or for recreational purposes. So the government put the moon on trial, trying to get it to stop electrocuting people that looked at it. The moon never pleaded, so it was sentenced to confinement. The government sent robots to cover the entire moon with a giant black blanket, which would stay there for the next ten decades. I just hope it works.
The Third Moon of Yachaar
Science FictionA short story series about a Yachaaran man named Bill, who has experienced the Third Moon's power.