2 weeks later..
@kenzieziegler posted
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KenzieZiegler✔️- and we've arrived ☀️
📷- @laurenorlando
👥- AnnieLeblanc
Lexidrew✔️- beach babesAnnieLeblanc✔️- so good to be back in Hawaii it's like I never left ☀️
Laurenorlando✔️- it's paradise 💗
Connorfinnerty✔️- have funn!
KenzieZiegler✔️- @Connorfinnerty we will!!
HaydenSummerall✔️- Hawaii is heaven honestly
JohnnyOrlando✔️- we are never leaving !!
A/N- sorry for the spam aha I just am really enjoying an Instagram story and you guys seem to as well. I was thinking after this is finished to do maybe a group chat style one let me know ?!