Divergent High

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This is my first so there are gonna be some messups. Sorry. :) But Read On.

Tris POV:

Beatrice! Get up! You sure as heck cant be late to your first day at a new school!" I completely forgot that summer ended yesterday. I'm starting 11th grade at a new school. Honestly i couldnt care less, but im still a teensy bit nervous, I mean who isnt, espicially if your new. I just hope I can find some good friends. I had the best of friends back in Oregon, but thanks to my mom's job we had to move to Chicago. You see I said "we". Yeah. My family is just a simple family. 4 members, 2 kids, 2 adults. The only thing different is my family is incredibly rich. My father is high up in the government and my mom a Famous Fashion designer and writer. Anyway, enough about me, I have to get dressed. I pick a green see through shirt. Of course, tank top underneath. (not a slut). With brown shorts and socks that go up to my knees and 5 inch heels. I walk downstairs to see Caleb, My bro, the most over portective bro in the world. He gets the last apple. "Caleb, I take longer than you to get ready, Why can't i have the apple this time?" "I was here fist" He says. I give him a death glare. "You know what, i'm not that hungry anymore. Here take it." Always works. "We have to go, or we''ll be late." He loves school. I dont. " Fine, Which car are you taking?" I say to him eating my apple. " The blue prius." " I'll take the red ferrari." Seems unlogical, IKR, I still want to take it.

It took 10 mins to get to school. When i pulled in. Everyones jaw dropped. I got out quickly before they judge me and my short, non-pretty body. I walked to the front office and she asked my name. (the secretary) "Beatrice Prior, But call me Tris. Yeah I like that." I got my schedule.Not honestly important excpet for the part about gym. I love gym. . I walked to my locked but then bumped into someone. She was Tall with mocha sking with short black hair.

Divergent HighWhere stories live. Discover now