Chapter 1

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Hello! Sorry I haven't updated the new book in forever! Here is Chapter Uno.

Becca's P.O.V.

I was sitting in my room at the orphanage playing my Rickenbacker guitar. Yes. I did say orphanage. Me and my sister Karisa came here about 12 years ago. We were both 5 at the time because we both were abused. But yesterday we saw a little girl, about 10, being chased by a guy with a gun. So, being us, we ran to the girl and hid her behind us. Soon a bullit hit Karisa. I got mad and started attacking the guy. And another  shot went off and I went numb in my stomach. I fell and just before the darkness took over, i  heard the girl say thank you. I just mummbled 'Your Welcome' before I saw a light. Then all of the sudden, I woke back up. I looked up and saw the moon. All my fears were gone instantly. He told me that me and my sister Karisa Starr saved a little girl from dying. My name is Becca Harrison and my powers are music and snow. I know. Just like Jack Frost. But I don't care about him. I looked down and saw I had my Rickenbacker yet. I saw Karisa looking down at her microphone. She has the powers of snow and music. Her hair is blonde and she has red colored eyes with gold flakes in them. Speaking of hair, mine is white with blue tips and my eyes are a bright blue. We are pale. "Karisa, since we remember everything, why don't we go to the orphanage again?" I ask her. "Ok. But who is that?" She asks looking behind me. I turn around and there is the one and only, Jack Frost. 'What is he doing here? And why is he walking towards us?' I thought. "Are you Becca Harrison and Karisa Starr? And why do you have the last names of George Harrison and Ringo Starr fron The Beatles?" Jack Asks us. I just look at Karisa and we nod our heads, put our instruments on our backs and take off towards the orphanage. He starts flying after us, but we already reached the orphanage. I open the door and see Mrs. Doubtfire. (Robin Williams plays her in the movie Mrs. Doubtfire. If you don't know what that movie is ..... look it up Biotch.) She runs the orphanage "Mrs. D!" I yell. "Becca? Is that you and Karisa? I thoight you two died earlier." She says coming over to us. "We did but we came back thanks to the Man in the Moon. Now we both have the powers of Music and Snow." I explain to her. "Can you show me?" She asks like a child on Christmas morning. I nodded. I hold my left hand out and The Beatles starts playing because we both love them. And I put up my right hand and make a ball of snow and throw it up and it starts snwing. I see Jack through the corner of my eye looking at me surprised because it is summer and the windows are open so he heard/saw everything. Mrs. D looks over and spots Jack. "Who are you?" She asks him. "You can see me?" He asks truely surprised. She nods. I sigh. "Mrs. D, that is Jack Frost. The one who was chasing us." I explain once again. "I have a good reason. You both need to come to the Pole with me." He says looking at us. "Come on in and make yourself at home. i will show you to our room so no one can see you. We have adopters coming in in about 30 SECONDS! GO!" I say/scream. 

To be continued.....

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