*Power Surge* By: Michael Daniel Cobb And Christina Marie Elisabeth Leffelman

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This is the third installation of our Charmed stories proceeding:

Hello Again Prue & Soul Exchange. We would like to again state that we own no part of Charmed, which is the property of Constance M. Burge and Spelling Entertainment. We hope you have enjoyed the other installments. Thank you for reading... now on with the story. After Glenn and Paige's Honeymoon, they return home to the Manor and we find them in the attic one day

"I never thought that any of this magic world even existed until I met up with you again Paige. It's amazing, but freaky," Glenn confided quietly. "Yeah, well, try having a demon attack you for the first time that you even discover that there is magic for real. You had the house here to discover it first," Paige told her new husband. "Then the rat demon attacked...tried to cut off my head if you remember." Glenn recalled his demonic assassination attempt. "How could I forget; Piper almost killed me for the whole thing," Paige retorted. "What's it like to orb, Paige? I mean I've orbed with you, but I mean by yourself. What's it like to have your powers? I like the stretch the imagination spell, the powers that it gives to me, but what's a half-witch, half-white lighter's powers like?" Glenn questioned in wonderment.

"Actually, there is a way to show you," Paige said while biting her lip. "There is?" Glenn asked excitedly, but suspiciously. "Yeah; only thing is that I hope that there's no consequences; especially from Piper. The punishment from the Elders I could handle better than Piper I think," Paige grinned slightly with a silent chuckle. "Piper can't hurt you, anymore, though. She gave you that invincibility barrier from her explosions," Glenn reminded her. "Yeah, well you still don't know Piper very well do you? She will find a way to reverse that protection spell and blow me to pieces if she wants to," Paige said with a contorted face that Glenn chuckled at. "So not funny," she told him. "Sorry, honey," he apologized, while trying to hide his smile.

"Anyways, there's a spell in the Book of Shadows that I saw that allows me to switch my powers with another being of magical powers. I figure that this would give you a chance to see what it's like to be a Charmed One, or what Piper so affectionately calls me, as a 'Half-Breed," Paige explained with a smirk.

"Would you prefer 'Noogie' over 'Half-Breed?'" Glenn asked. "Maybe not...at least my life has more adventure as a 'Half-Breed,'" Paige answered. "Something I'd like to experience;" Glenn stated, "in the first person."

"Alright," Paige replied. "Is the coast clear?" she asked her new husband, for fear of getting yelled at by her older sister witches. "Yep. They're content being with our daughter right now downstairs," he assured her. "Okay. Book." The BOS orbed from the pedestal to her lap, where they sat on the attic love seat. "I get to do that!" Glenn shouted excitedly. "Shhh!!!" Paige shushed him. "Every thing alright up there?" a voice called from downstairs. "Just peachy-keen," Paige answered back in as convincing of a tone as she could give. "See!" she rebuked quietly. "Sorry, Noog," he shyly answered.

As Paige flipped through the Book, she passed a whole bunch of sections. The one that really caught Glenn's attention was the Bun-Yip. "What's that?" he asked. "Oh the Bun-Yip. It's a creature that lives on the out skirts of Australia. It doesn't usually harm people, but if it feels threatened, it can basically incinerate its victim and then feast. It's neither good, nor evil. So I guess it would be neutral," she finished. "Oh..." Glenn trailed off, looking around the room as he thought of what he'd like to orb first. Flipping a few more pages, Paige finally located the Power Switching spell. "Here it is," she announced. "This is awesome. What kind of things can you move again?" he asked curiously. "All kinds of things. Even living beings. So far the biggest have been Garrett, Peyton, and even a leprechaun." Paige exemplified.

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