Meanwhile, back in the Kitchen, Phoebe continues to work on her potion

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         "Just one more pinch of Clary sage and that should do it," Phoebe said just as the pot of power removing potion came to a boil and she shut the flame off. "How's the potion making going there, Phoebe?" Leo asked. Just then a low boom occurred and a luminous cloud puffed out. "I'd say it's done, Leo," Phoebe responded. "Excellent! I have to get this boy something to eat. Any thoughts as to what we have?" Leo asked as he was normally already out of bed and helping a charge when Piper would feed Garrett in the mornings. "Well, he seems to like cheerios and cut up bananas the most. And I think Piper gave him a little brown sugar with the cheerios just to sweeten it a bit," Phoebe answered. While Leo was looking through the cupboards he didn't see the cheerios but he did see his frosted flakes.

"I'm going to give him my cereal and a banana," Leo said. "Sounds good," Piper said as she came into the kitchen and sat little Ms. Peyton into her walker seat, which she had not yet realized her full potential in yet. "Paige is still in the shower. I told her to lie back down when she's done," Piper suddenly sniffed the air in the kitchen. "Oh, wow! What is in that potion?! It smells like someone poured lemon juice over the top of a field of marigolds with a hint of burnt rosemary. It reeks!"

"Actually it has Clary sage, lemongrass, dried marigold pedals, burdock root, ginger, rosemary, and powdered calamus root. Good nose there, sis," Phoebe commended her big sister. "That's why I married a chef," Leo smiled as Garrett ate away. "Are you crazy!?" Piper asked. "You mixed two other different roots together with ginger? You're lucky it didn't explode," Piper finished. "There was a small rumble from inside the pot and a cloud of electric smoke puffed out and dissipated. All is well," Phoebe said. "Yeah, well you got lucky then." Piper told her. "I think I know what I was doing, Piper. I wasn't working with wraith essence and black poppy seeds," Phoebe retorted. Piper raised an eyebrow at Phoebe and said, "Do you really expect him to drink that? I know I wouldn't.... "

Piper then turned to Leo and said. "By the way, this chef is on strike this morning until everything is settled out. Keep that cereal out. I'm going to grind it up into a little formula for Peyton," Piper said. "You sure that's a good idea?" Phoebe asked. "I was putting cheerios in Garrett's formula when he was that little. At this age she should be able to handle it no problem. Grams said she used to give you ground up granola in your formula, Phoebs."

"No wonder I was such a chunky baby," Phoebe said. "You were all so cute...." Leo said thinking back. "All right does anyone else think that's just creepy?" Phoebe asked.

Piper chastised Leo telling him, "We've had this discussion before, Leo. Keep your memories of watching us grow to yourself, please."

"Sorry," he replied as Piper shook Peyton's bottle. "There ya go sweetie," Piper said as she gave her niece her breakfast. Peyton began sucking the contents of the bottle rapidly. "Phoebe, she takes after you!" Piper joked. "Ha, ha...very funny. This potion is going to need a little while to cool. We need to figure out how to keep the Woogie from fighting us while attempting to get Glenn back," Phoebe said. "Let me guess, you and Leo did the potion and got the information so now you're putting that part on me?" Piper asked. They both just looked at her. "Typical," Piper said with a giggle. "As far as waiting for that potion to cool down I think I have a remedy for that. Let's put the pot into the sink though," Piper said.

"What are you going to do? Fill the sink with cold water?" Phoebe queried. "You're going to have to put ice in the water with it if you're going to do that. I'll get the ice tray," Leo said. "Don't bother. Watch," she told them. Her hands turned a numbing purplish white as a protective ice layer covered her hand and the hot pot of power removal potion was covered in ice on the outside. "We don't want frozen potion too, Piper!" Phoebe said. "Phoebe that potion in about a hundred and eighty degrees. I highly doubt it's going to freeze...but it will cool down much faster now. As for fighting the Suxen, or the 'Woogie', I'm thinking if things get too out of hand we just use Grams' spell to banish him back to the shadows. Otherwise, I think Leo was on to something with rewriting the 'To Call A Lost Witch Spell'. "

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