Ryes pov
How much longer can i take this I'm fed up of being messed around people winding me up about my past they all call me a suicidal freak it's their fault they pushed me to the edge made me feel like I wasn't worth anything made me feel small made sure that I had no friends my mom said it will pass but it hasn't the same shit everyday I don't know what I did wrong they just want a laugh about it they don't care that I have feelings that words hurt they spread things that make people think I'm a bad person but it's not like that home is worse my mum and dad argue all the time my brothers always fight I'm starting to loose hope once again walking down the corridors is the worse people staring at me with hatred making sure I get hurt physically

Katie's pov
I see him rye he's always walking with his head down and everyone staring at him like he's a freak or a crazy animal at the zoo they always find a way to get to him it's cruel and vile deep inside nobody knows how he feels how much people's words affect him it's time to stop this Callum the main one walked up to him and pushed him making him fall I looked at rye his face full of fear I ran up "hey stop" I shouted "you what"he said turning around looking at me smirking "I said stop" I said angrily "or what" he said laughing at me "this" I said punching him in the stomach kicking him "now you know how rye feels everyday when you tell him he isn't worth it and he should die and when you attack him don't you realise he has feelings aswell just because the words you say don't affect you doesn't mean they don't affect anyone else take a look at yourself in the mirror and see who's the pathetic little boy  and get a life instead of trying to ruin other people's" I said kicking him making him groan in more pain he stood up and ran away I turned around to see rye still on the ground "hey are you ok" I said "Yeah thanks but you didn't have to do that for me I'm used to it and how do you know my name" he asked " he had it coming and you're in most of my lessons just because you're quiet doesn't mean I don't notice you rye" I said laughing I held my hand out he grabbed it and pulled him up "right are you sure you're ok" I asked " positive" he said smiling

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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