Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Yugi flashed in and out of consciousness. He saw someone running towards him. Then he was being taken to the infirmary. He heard an alarm going off and people being rushed here and there.

"Is he going to be okay?" Yugi heard someone say.

"There is no telling right now. He has to stay awake if he is to have any chance of not slipping into a coma." Someone else said.

There were a few brief moments of darkness, a slight pain in Yugi's arm, and he was being woken by one of the Slayers.

"Slayer Yugi." The Slayer said. "You have to stay awake."

"What happened?" Yugi said weakly.

"You were rushed to the infirmary after your encounter with the demon and vampire." The Slayer said. "The compound was set to lockdown and everyone except the Slayers was locked into their rooms."

The door to the infirmary opened and another Slayer stepped inside. "You need to go now Slayer. The Leader decided for you and me to switch out spots. You are to report to Sector D to watch over a few of the Slayers in Training."

"Yes Slayer Nova." The Slayer said and walked out of the room.

"Slayer Nova?" Yugi said.

"Yes, Yugi?" Nova said, walking over to the infirmary bed where Yugi was laying.

"Did Yami get Phoenix?" Yugi asked. He didn't trust his memory right now and wanted to make sure what he saw was true.

"Unfortunately, yes." Nova said. "I tried tracking her down but I lost them. Her pain is clear through my connection with her, but I can't tell where she is."

"You two have a connection?" Yugi was confused by what Slayer Nova was saying.

"I forgot that you do not know me as well as the other Slayers do." Nova said and sat down across from Yugi. "It is hard to explain but because of our powers, we are connected. When I am in pain, she can tell, and vice versa. Since the death of our daughter Phoebe, she had kept her end of the link closed. Today was the first I had felt the link reopen since."

"Phoebe isn't dead." Yugi said and was trying to remember what had happened. "I was sent to train her, but..." What the Leader had told Yugi all of a sudden popped into his mind. "Damn it! I wasn't supposed to let you know she was alive!"

"I won't tell anyone what you said." Nova said. "Oh, that vampire left you this note."

Nova handed Yugi a piece of paper with small handwriting on it, but Yugi could still read what it said.

Slayer Yugi

I have your precious Slayer friend Phoenix. I'm taking her to the Zoha Sector. I can trade you her for your soul. I want you to live forever like me.

I know this sounds wrong but, I don't want to kill you, I just want to turn you.

You and I could be the most powerful vampires in the world, and they would never be able to catch us. I want you to live with me forever Slayer.


"He wants to turn me." Yugi whispered, but Nova could still hear what he said.

"Why on Earth would he want to do that? Vampires of his nature only want to kill Slayers." Nova said.

"He said he wants to live with me forever." Yugi said a little louder. He couldn't believe what this note said.

'How could someone like... him... want me, a Slayer, to live with them forever?' Yugi thought and then he remembered some of what Yami had said to him before.

"Tell me Slayer, how many vampires do you know that have powers like mine?"

"I guess they won't miss you when you become like me."

"Once you are like me, you are going to thank me little one."

These three sentences were all Yugi could think of, and then he realized that Yami had planned to turn him right then and there. One more sentence came to Yugi's mind.

"Normally, most Slayers I encounter try to escape, but yet you stay there and accept the situation and show emotion."

'Is it because I showed I had emotions that he doesn't want to kill me?' Yugi thought.

"What are you thinking Yugi?" Nova asked.

"I showed emotions around Yami. I showed fear and I had started to cry." Yugi hated admitting that but he had to in order to ask Nova a question. "Do you think because I did that is the reason he wants to turn me?"

Nova shook his head. "I highly doubt that but it may be why he didn't kill you. I think he just sees something special in you, but showing him emotion may have been one of the factors in that reason. He probably realized you still had some kind of innocence instead of being a hardened Slayer like the rest of us."

"He said that I was the only Slayer that would accept the situation and show emotion." Yugi said. "I can't remember much but, when I try, it hurts."

"You need to rest Yugi." Nova said. "I must go now. There should be no reason for the Headquarters to be on lockdown anymore."

With that, Nova left, leaving Yugi with the note that Yami left.

'Why does Yami want to turn me so bad?' Yugi wondered.

He leaned back onto the infirmary bed and closed his eyes. Yugi was soon enveloped by restless sleep, dreaming about what it would be like to let Yami turn him.

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