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Gray's POV:

"Alright, I'm heading home. Later guys" I got up, waving as I walked away.

Walking down the empty streets of Magnolia, my mind wandered to just about anything to pass the time; the most recent job we went on, what I had for breakfast, why I hate Natsu so much.

Stopping, I turned to see some guy stood there, a black cloak covering his facial features. Thinking nothing of it, I started to walk in the direction of home, when the same guy appeared in front of me.

"Come with me please" he mumbled, his voice sounded scratchy.

I laughed. "Yeah, right! Like I'd go anywhe-"

Darkness soon flooded my vision.

Unknown POV:

Standing in my usual spot among the trees, I looked for anything that differed from usual; number of guards, people entering or leaving. Anything at all. This is the 6th day I've been watching this dark guild, Twilight Wolves, and I think I've got their movements, their patterns, memorised. Seeing movement heading towards the front door, I averted my attention. Two guys, who both had the Twilight Wolves emblem on the back of their cloaks, were dragging along a shirtless guy. Looking closer, the shirtless guy has a familiar guild mark on his chest. Fairy Tail.

Being the closest light guild around, and one of the strongest in Fiore, this wouldn't end well.

"Damn! Looks like I'm gonna have to advance my infiltration" I muttered, to no one in particular as I packed up my stuff and advanced towards the roof.

Knowing the layout of the building like the back of my hand, I presume they're taking him to the cell block, which can be accessed directly from a grate in the roof. Approaching the grate, I prayed that I'd remove it whilst making as little noise as possible. My prayers thankfully answered, I swung myself through the small opening. Landing silently on both feet, I pulled out two daggers and swept my eyes along the vicinity. Hearing groans to my right, I decided to head towards them, assuming they were from the captured Fairy Tail mage.

I grabbed the keys on the wall, and proceeded to open the cell door, before unlocking the chains bound to his wrists and ankles. Catching him as he slumped over, my eyes sweeping over the various cuts and bruises he acquired in the mere ten minutes it took me to get here.

"Hey, can you hear me? Can you walk?" I asked the beaten mage quietly, to which the only response I got was a small nod. Slinging one of his arms around my shoulders, and placing one of mine around his waist, I helped him over to the grate opening, before lifting him through it. As I was climbing through, I heard guards behind me.

Damn, they're closer behind us than I thought.

Pushing that thought out of my head, I put the grate cover back, before grabbing the black haired mage and pulling him through the forest back to Magnolia; to Fairy Tail.

Lucy's POV:

"He's long gone. I caught the last bits of his scent, along with two others. I think they're a dark guild" Natsu growled, pissed that yet another dark guild decided to take his friend, though he'd never admit it.

"Could you find any trace of where they went Natsu?" Makarov asked sternly, receiving a quick shake of the head from Natsu; "Ok, Levy, is there any way you could track down his whereabouts?"

She nodded. "Yes Master, it will take me a few hours though." She instantly started to work on his location.

Hold on Gray, we're coming for you!

The thought of them hurting our friend caused Natsu to reflexively clench his fist, before punching the table. Erza opened her mouth to say something, but was interrupted by the doors crashing open. Everyone glanced at the door, to see a girl with long golden hair, and big blue eyes, carrying Gray further into the guild.

"He needs help; they poisoned him. They aren't too far behind us either, but I'll take care of them. Just help your friend" She exclaimed as she handed Gray to me and Natsu, before heading back towards the door. Wendy appeared at my side before I could call her, instantly starting to heal him.

The doors soon crashed open a second time, indicating that the dark guild was here. Five of them stood in the doorway, menacingly. The strange girl stood in front of them, blocking their view of us, almost protectively. One of the men stepped forward, wordlessly claiming superiority. His head was covered with a black cloak, letting us just have a glimpse of his pale white skin.

"You. You're the one who broke into our guild and stole our prisoner! Why, what business do you have with us?" his voice boomed throughout the room, causing a few of us to cringe at his tone.

"What do you want with members of Fairy Tail? What are you up to, Twilight Wolves?" she retaliated, and I noticed a star tattoo on the palm of her hand that started to glow gold.

"Twilight Wolves? I've heard of them! They are a rising dark guild! It's rumoured that they are just as powerful as the Seven Kin of Purgatory" I murmured to Natsu and Wendy. Natsu moved slightly, as to instinctively put himself between us and the enemy.

"Ah. You know who we are. Well, I'm Kena, leader of the Twilight Wolves. To cut it short; I need some of these pathetic Fairies for a spell, and you're getting in my way! Kill her" he ordered, and his cronies stepped forward. They charged towards her non-moving figure.

"Constellation of the Lion!" she yelled, before she was engulfed by bright golden light.

The light soon dimmed, to reveal her fighting with magic that resembles Regulas, Loke's magic, but without the rings. She easily took out three of the four guys, but the fourth was a lot better than the others. She was about to hit him once more, when a hand was placed on her forehead and a knife was pressed to her throat, causing gasps to echo throughout the room.

"That wasn't bad. But it wasn't nearly good enough" he smirked, before his comrade whispered something into his ear. His facial expression changed to something completely unreadable, before he whispered something to her and then smashed her head into the wall. She fell face first into ground.

"Well, this was fun!" Kena muttered as he focused on the rest of us, "I'll be back" he announced before the five of them vanished.

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