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About two hours later, I hear music from a car stereo followed by a door slamming and I conclude that my sister must be home. I would usually greet her, but there is no way I am voluntarily showing my face in-front of that pretty boy. Our front door closes and I hear rustling in the kitchen. Moments later I hear my sister yell for me to come meet our guest. The moment I have been dreading since I saw the blonde boy about two hours ago- introducing myself. I am such an awkward person especially around pretty people.

Filled with dread, I slowly trudge into the kitchen where I will soon embarrass myself to the point of no return. My sister tells me to stand across from the boy and tell him my name. After I finish mentally preparing myself, I say "hello, my name is Siyeon, nice to meet you!" That was okay right? Wait was I too enthusiastic? Should I have asked for his name? Ahh I messed even the smallest chance of becoming friends with him up. I feel a nudge coming from my left side, so I look peer at my sister who is throwing glances towards the boy. It takes me a minute but I finally realize he has his hand out ready to shake. I shake his hand and stood waiting for a name. The handshake was firm under the tight grasp of his right hand. Why isn't he saying his name? Omg I missed it didn't I? I can't believe that in the midst of freaking out over what I said I missed his name. I threw him an awkward smile and proceeded back to my room.

Another couple of hours had passed and it is finally dinner time. Trevor has returned from wherever he was- I'm assuming some type of automotive store since he likes those so much and we are all called to the dinner table. I look over and see the only open seat is next to the boy, so I insist on eating in my room. I take my bowl filled with beef and broccoli stir fry and try to hurry to my room before anyone notices. Just as my hand lands on the doorknob to my door I here "Siyeon where are you going? Come and sit at the table." Darn, I thought I got away. Unwillingly I make my way back to the table and pull out my chair and plop down in it. While eating as quickly as I can, I saw the boy glancing over towards my direction. I just ignore it and take a sip of my water so it doesn't seem as awkward.

From my right my sister begins:"so Jeno why did you agree to come along?" So his name is Jeno! I make a mental note of his name for later.

He responds with "Trevor talked me into it since I have nothing else to do over break and my parents are on a business trip. They are gone a lot so I usually just hang at Trevor's place, but since he was coming here I figured I would too. "

While he was talking I found myself staring intently at the blonde. Jeno-that is a really cute name. It suits him, it reminds me of a cute fluffy loaf of bread. Anyway, what really captivated me was his voice. It's high but low at the same time. It is soft and is as smooth as honey; I could listen to him talk all day. Suddenly Jeno catches me staring so I quickly divert my head downwards towards my now empty bowl. My cheeks are burning red and I know it can be seen by everyone at the table. "Oh also," my sister begins "the summer camp starts tomorrow so you should pack all of your things tonight so you will be ready. The bus along with the instructor will pick you guys up here and drive you to the cabins you are staying in."

I know I just met Jeno but he seems like an interesting person to get to know. Hmm I wonder how old he is? SIYEON, FOR THE LAST TIME STOP THINKING THOSE THINGS. "I know, I know, I shouldn't be thinking those things" Everyone stops and stares at me. "What?" Then the realization hits me. I said that out loud. "OH MY GOD, NO ITS NOT WHAT YOU THINK I-" omg I said that out loud. What are they thinking? What do they think I was talking about? Most importantly how is Jeno going to take this? Oh lord he is probably creeped out because he thinks I was thinking bad things about him, and that isn't even the case! "I- I WAS THINKING ABOUT EATING DESSERT" To my right I see Jeno's mouth curve into a slight smirk, and I knew I was gone. WHAT THE HELL KIND OF DESSERT WAS HE THINKING? Okay at this point I am a blushing mess so I excuse myself from the table and hurriedly return to my room.

I throw myself onto my unmade bed and grab my phone from the charger. I have an Instagram notification, which I assume is from my best friend, Bea. Surely enough, it is a video of Jimin from BTS getting scared by zombies in a BTS Run! Episode. She always knows how to make me feel better. Oh wait- I haven't even TOLD her about what just happened.


What happened bby?

So apparently Trevor brought along a friend of his named Jeno, and I embarrassed myself in front of him! He probably thinks I'm creepy and we are stuck with him during camp too

Wait he is coming to the camp with us too?


I'm sorry :((
Why its not like you have to see him again after?

What if I want to see him again after?
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Wait what did that message say? You deleted it before I could read it!

Great! Anyway I have to go pack for camp, I'll see you tomorrow morning! 💕

Wow you're acting weird- get some sleep but see you tomorrow!

Thank you all for the support! I love all 16 of you who have read the first chapter (as of when I'm writing this)! Hopefully I will be able to update more quickly soon.

Also Taeyong eating sweets is what I am living for at the moment

Also Taeyong eating sweets is what I am living for at the moment

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Boyfriend Material- Lee JenoWhere stories live. Discover now