Etiquette Intro

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The beating of the raindrops on my windowsill create a pattern, a melodic rhythm which soothes my thoughts and drowns my mind. A complicated series of strict sentences have quit scribbling nonsense in my brain.

The rain is all I can think about. The pitter patter of the tiny droplets send plentiful shivers down my spine. However, the sun seems to peak beneath the swollen clouds, causing my features to cringe.

It's days like today where I believe in a God. I prayed for the destructive rain and in return came the strong drizzles. The soft rain to overpower my useless thoughts.

And I am thankful.

But it can't last forever, nothing does. Likewise, the emptiness in my head does not last either.

"Turn down this road," a hollow voice utters from behind me.

I've been driving. Driving for hours, 2 to be exact. It's odd but seemingly pleasant to escape the bitter world. Everything seems distant and lost in a puddle in my own mind.

But like I said, things don't last. This is the voice I have spent months to find. The voice who has deceived me through his disruptive messages. The voice which I believed would be the cure to my everlasting worries.

Those painful weeks of searching for peace only lead me to a pit of disaster. And when I didn't believe my life could get worse, he came down like a thunderstorm.

"Hail, did you hear me?"

It enraged me to hear my nickname from his tasteless tongue. I couldn't stand it, but I didn't have the courage to tell the boy.


I directed my truck into the dirt-paved road and sighed. I had been waiting for this day for almost a year and now that it's arrived, I regret every hopeful moment and every action that lead me closer to him.

"What's wrong?"

I swear I could sense the dirty smirk which arouse from his obvious comment. I am used to his unfiltered language, the crude and unnecessary remarks that fill the air with insensitivity. Yet, he doesn't understand I am stronger than her. I am thoughtful and committed, I will not fall into this trap.

"Shaylee. I miss her so much," and so I tricked him with an innocent lie.

"Ahh," he mused, "You miss your little sister. But remember Hail, I will never tell you the truth. I've given you enough leeway."

His distant answer lead me to the conclusion that this man is deranged. It disturbs me that he believes his morals and doings are innocent and successful. I can't bear it at all.

"What do you consider 'leeway'?" I retorted. The answer is obvious to both of us, but I must continue this foolish act of a confused teenager.

"The leeway I have given you was easily achieved, however things will not always be that easy. You just needed a little head start," he pauses to yawn, "a couple of indirect messages to fix your puzzled mind. You needed those notes to forgive yourself Hail."

"Forgive myself? There is nothing for me to forgive except for the grief filled months of finding you. Her death was not my doing and I cannot forgive myself for your distorted actions."

The raspy laughs are enclosed in the small truck. The hollowness of the sound erupts in silent echoes throughout the space, sending a rush of chills down my spine.

I was proud of my confident return to his uneducated statement, but his criticizing laughter lead me to realize my own stupidity.

"Oh silly girl. How can you be so naïve? This is your own fault. You knew from the start that I was a terrible influence on your baby sister but you still managed to let her go." He purred closely to my ear.


My mind is screaming for me to say more and send a hideous eruption of feelings toward his sinful expression, but I wasn't trying to stop his greedy words. I was trying to stop the unending sentences spilling through my ears. The many poetic metaphors recited into my head with his ungrateful voice.

"Have they returned, dear?" he infers, the devilish grin returning yet again.

I pull over into the mud filled ditch and scream. I can never control the unfair riddles that escape from the quiet place in my mind.

The words keep picking at my most sensitive moments that I can recall and tear them apart, leaving me nothing. All I can hear is his disturbing voice taunting me and trying to change my ideas.

Although my screams and cries are powerful and overwhelming, I happen to hear the faint noise of his trembling laughs.

I can't bear it.


Hey guys! So I'm kind of new at this and I understand this chapter is super short but I wanted to see if I got any votes or comments before I continue writing this story!

Please comment and vote, it would mean a lot (: anyways I should be updating again this weekend (if I get any reads lol)

Have a good week!

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