Chapter Two

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    I finally made it home around two o'clock, thankfully my mother's boyfriend took her on a short vacation so i wouldn't have to worry to much about getting busted. The only problem was trying not to wake my brother if he was was asleep in his room.

I stepped carefully on the steps leading up to my brothers room and mine, making sure they wouldn't creek. I was three steps away from the last when I lost my balance and knocked over a picture that was hanging on the wall, I cursed under my breath, hoping my brother wouldn't wake up.

"Kathie?" I quickly ran up the rest of the stairs and dashed into my room, hoping my brother didn't see me, I pushed open when I heard someone clearing their throat. I slowly turned around,

"What are you doing? And where have you been?" his voice was pretty raspy and dry so he must have been sleeping.

"Sorry Derek, i was just going to bed," I said hoping he wouldn't ask where I was this late at night, and why my dress was covered in dirt.

"Where were you this late? Its past two in the morning!" He said folding his arms over his chest.

"Well, I kinda got...lost," I said hoping he would be convinced, "Lost? Where were you to get lost?" he sounded a little concerned but he probably still thinks I'm lying.

"I went to a friends house with Liz and Jen, and they left without me and I tried to walk home but I got lost." I said really fast so that hopefully he wouldn't catch went to a friends house.

"Why didn't you call?" he asked, still sounding as if he didn't believe me, I don't blame him. "My phone died." I said, "And I lost my shoes," I sighed, "Well go to bed," Derek said before spinning around and going into his room.

Derek can be quite scary and intimidating when he wants to be.

His has really bulky muscles that can do some physical damage easily. When he spikes up his blond hair he reminds me of a cop, Derek was two years older then me, making him nineteen and me seventeen.

I changed out of my dress and into some flannel pajamas, I couldn't help but think about the guy that had me at his house. He seemed nice, he was cute, he offered to give me his clothes if I stayed the night, he cleaned the scrape on my head, but he did bite me.

Who does he think he is? I think he has watched to many movies about vampires.

And he said he was there when I fell out of the tree, he obviously helped me once I fell out of the tree. But if he was there why didn't he get those dogs away from me? Or were those wolves as well?

I fell asleep thinking about the man that had helped me.

The next morning I made sure I called Liz and Jen, Liz said she ended up going with some guy to his house but they both were to drunk to do anything...thank goodness. Jenny took the car to go find Liz 'cause she knew she went off with some guy and she said she was gonna come right back for me.

Once I finished talking to them I went into the kitchen and made some breakfast while Derek was still sleeping. I made some pancakes and bacon.

When I was finishing up the food Derek came down, we both said good morning to each other then he said he has to take out the trash real quick.

I completely forgot about the car I took until he opened the front door, "I can do it Derek!" I said running over to him, but too late...he was already outside and looking at the car.

"Why is this car here?" He asked giving me a sharp look,I just shrugged my shoulders, "Did you steal it?"

"No! Why would I steal anything?" I said becoming nervous, my brother could always tell when I was lying, but other than him no one else could tell...

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