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Hey!!!!! Ok, so I decided that I'm doing a second chapter. Even if no ones reading.

Wait?! If no ones reading........WHO AM I TALKING TO RIGHT NOW?! Oh yeah.....

My future readers. That's what! Well, heres next chapter.

Alissa's POV-

I was walking home with my friend. Kris. She was the only one who I know wouldn't use me just to see the boys. In fact, she doesn't even really hang out with the boys. Just me.

"Ok, so your dad really said that?" Kris asked.

"Yeah..." I said. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then I'll give you a flashback.

*start of flashback*

I just got home from school when I saw my dad staring at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I need to tell you something." My dad said.

"Well, can you please wait a few hours? I'm going out with Kris." I said.

"No. You need to know now." My dad insisted.

I sighed. "Ok, what is it?" I asked, sitting in a chair across from the kitchen table.

He took a deep breath. "Your going on tour with the boys." He said.

"What?!" I screamed, almost jumping out of the chair.

"No, no, no. I can't. I planned my whole summer out. I can't go on tour." I said.

"Sorry Hun. I'm going to be on a business trip for the summer and you are not staying in this house by yourself." My dad replied.

"Ugh! My summers ruined." I exclaimed.

"I thought you loved the boys?" My dad questioned.

"I do. I really do. I just, wanted to spend time with my friends." I said.

My dad sighed. "Ok, if I am able to get Kris to come, would you come?" My dad asked.

My eyes widened. "Yes yes! I'll go!" I said quickly.

"Ok. I'll make the call." My dad chuckled.

*end if flashback*

"So, I get to come?" Kris asked.

"Yup!" I replied

"AAAAAHHHHH! Ok I'm done." Kris said.

I laughed and took my key outta my pocket.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow at school." I said.

"You too." Kris replied and walked to her house.

I grabbed my keys and put them in the lock. I turned and opened the door. That's where I saw the boys sitting on my couch eating whatever we had.

"What the heck are you doing?!" I yelled when I came in.

"Uh......" Niall stuttered. I smiled. I can play off as mad really easily.

"I'm not mad but what are you guys doing?" I asked.

"Staying until your done with school tomorrow. We leave for the tour that day." Louis said.

"Oh. Ok. Well, I'm gonna get some sleep. Night!" I said.

"Night!" I heard a chorus of voices say.

I changed and got into bed. I hope tour is fun.

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