Chapter Two

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"Okay listen curly guy, as fun as taking down those dicks sounds, I don't play sports and I honestly don't want to start now," Zayn assured Harry, "yeah, I kinda don't want to either," Louis contributed. Harry stood from his bed with a little bit of frustration etched onto his face, "c'mon guys, we haven't even started yet and you are seriously giving up already," Zayn and Louis burst out in fits of laughter.

"Why are you so serious about this; its just a fucking summer camp," the shortest guy said as he stood and making his way to his closet; which he though was too small, but he figured they'd heard him complain enough for one day. "What's the attire for tonight's dinner," the other two boys looked at him with confused features, Louis quickly matching theirs.

"What you're wearing now is fine, "Harry subtly complemented, "so like, no formal wear, no suits," Louis questioned, Zayn slung his leather jacket onto his arms, "were not going to a ball, Cinderella, it's called a mess hall for a reason."


The dinner was expected to be bad, but this was on a whole new level in Louis opinion. The food apparently was going to be the same all summer, baked beans, a baked potato, and a small steak; or burnt beans, a burnt potato, and a minuscule steak.

Louis walked out of the mess hall and sat at the base of a tree, with tears of frustration starting to well up. He just wanted to go home, to his family, but he knew even if he weren't in the camp, he couldn't do that. "Lou," Harry called out as the hall doors swung opened, he and Zayn soon found Louis by the tree, biting his lip trying to hold back the tears.

"Sorry but it's getting dark and i'm just going to head on back to the cabin and sleep," Zayn announced, "c'mon Lou, get up, whats wrong," Harry asked as Zayn walked away. He pulled the shaking boy up to his feet and started to walk with him, as no one else was really outside. "I want to go home, I know I sound bratty, I really do, but I'm just not used to this at all," he began, "like these trees look disgusting, and the air has no scent and I just can't. I need some uniformity and there is absolutely none here," he ranted.

Harry started walking deeper and deeper into the woods, completely aware that Louis was too focused on his emotions to worry about where Harry was leading him. "I'm used to the skyscrapers, and fucking five start restaurants, and having people listen to what I say; I can't function here," Louis finished off. "I'm sure you can," Harry finally weighed in, "you'll get used to this place, it gets fun after a while." He grabbed the trunk of a tree and pulled himself onto the nearest branch, sitting on it and offering Louis his hand.

He wiped his tears with the back of his fist and looked up at Harry like a scared child. 'He looks so vulnerable right now, he trusts me enough to just let everything out,' was all Harry could worry about at the moment. Louis gently grabbed Harry's hand and he quickly jerked him up into the tree with a wide smile.

"The hardest part of climbing a tree is getting on, the rest is like walking upstairs; you should be used to that. Harry started to walk up the limbs of the tree with Louis following fairly close behind, being extra cautious.

"The only thing to remember to do, is to stay as close to the trunk as possible," Harry taught, knowing that everything he said sunk into Louis like quicksand, he trusted Harry. "The branch is always the strongest closer to the tree," he instructed. The whole way up he kept sharing facts about the tree and how to stay safe and how, 'the branches without leaves are dead.' They arrived near the top and Harry stopped them, as the branches were getting too small to support them, "so," Harry said as he sat on one with Louis doing the same.

"Look down, I'll hold you," the emerald eyed boy said as their eyes locked, fear in one pair, and adoration in another. Harry held Louis hand and waist as he leaned over a bit to see the ground, "shit, shit, shit, Harry," he cursed, "we're so fucking high." Harry laughed, "okay now look out, over the trees." Louis looked up and realized that this was one of the tallest trees, and that he could see the stars and how beautiful this all actually was.

"Now look at me Lou," Harry directed his face to meet his with his finger, "are you okay now cutie," he asked. Louis subconsciously started to lean in towards Harry, he didn't know anyone who was this nice to him without fearing him. He didn't feel like a king or a dictator, he felt loved for once; not for the money, for him, Louis.

"Yes," he spoke, as he closed the space between he and Harry. He started moving his lips against Harry's, with the curly haired boy doing the same. He would say he was surprised by the action, but he was kind of hoping it would've happened. He didn't want to make the first move and kiss him, because you can only give so much of your trust away at one time.

He figured eventually Louis would build his walls back up and if he would've kissed him, the walls would just be higher. Their lips separated after the need for air became too strong, and the sat, starting into each others eyes, "thank you Harry."


After they came down from the tree, they made it back to the camp and went to the showers, quickly washing and getting back to the cabin. Louis stood in his blue plaid pajama bottoms, a white t-shirt and his moose slippers as Harry climbed into his bed with only tight black underwear.

"Harry," he muttered, "will you sleep with me." Harry then realized how stripped down and vulnerable he was for him, he found that attractive. How Louis was sassy and a little bitter with everyone he knew, except Harry made him give in to almost anything Louis wanted. "Sure Lou," he agreed as he climbed off of his own bed and in to Louis. The icy eyes boy kicked off his slippers and laid with his back to Harry,

"I have to warn you, I love to cuddle, so be prepared," Louis smiled as Harry's arms encircled his waist and he kissed the back of his neck. "I was hoping you did," he said through small giggles. "Guys please, if you're going to do this, please warn me a couple hours before so I can stay at someone else's cabin," Zayn practically screamed. Harry burst out laughing and quickly stopped, snuggling closer to the other boy.

Louis usually liked being cold, he found that sleeping with other people never worked out because they were so hot. Harry, on the other hand was extremely hot- in more than one way-, but he found it comforting. He didn't know if it was that he was too caught up with wanting to go further than snuggling, or if it was just him.

Whatever it was, he was loving it.

"Go to sleep, Lou, your heart is racing," he decided to calm himself down, maybe he was loving this a little too much. Their would be another day, he had all the time in the world to do things with Harry; he had all summer.

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