Recalling the Past

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The lights turned on and I found myself surrounded. There were many shelves placed close to the walls, with money and valuables stacked on them and on top of each shelf was an Olympian, with a bow and an arrow in hand. I couldn't imagine the reason for why they would choose such medieval weapon instead of guns but my thoughts were distracted and blurred with fear.

"We have permission to execute you here and now and I plan on doing so. You might have escaped us before but we were trying to capture you alive on those attempts. Today is the day you die, Kronos," she said, standing on top of the highest shelf. She was speaking into a megaphone and her voice echoed through the warehouse, making it even more frightening.

I looked around to look for the cause of the smell, expecting the warehouse to be filled with bodies of animals, if not humans but I didn't find anything. The smell seemed even more suspicious to me now.

"Any final wishes?" she asked.

I didn't want to reveal my voice to the other Olympians. I had spent my childhood in an orphanage that gave shelter to many kids and some of them were vocally disable. I had spent most of my time with those children and so I had learnt sign language to communicate with them.

My final wish is to have a chat with you but I don't want them to listen, I signaled to her, hoping she knew the language.

Fortunately, she did know the language and that made me wonder why she knew it. Did she have a similar past to me?

"Don't worry. I somehow knew you would request that and so we have made arrangements. They have been given ear plugs and I made sure they wore it properly and couldn't hear your weak voice," she said.

"Weak voice, eh?" I asked. "You say I am going to die here today... why are you so confident. I may not be able to break through those thick metallic walls but with my ability, I will figure something out."

I took deep breaths, trying to control my fear.

"Ah yes! Your ability is a problem, isn't it? I used to think you had the ability to teleport but turns out you're just really fast. What do you call your ability? I'm sure you have given it a name," she said.

"Speedsta," I replied.

She made a face as if she were holding in a laugh and that made me angry. It looked like she was mocking me.

"I could have thought of many better names," she said.

I said nothing.

"Why do you commit crime? What is your motive behind it? What inspires you to do it? Why did you choose evil when you could have used the power for the good of the world?"

I had not asked myself that question for many years, and the question reminded me of my childhood. I didn't have much of a reason to become a criminal but I never regretted it.

I used to dress up nicely as a child, which seemed to give the criminals the thought that I was a rich kid. They would chase me around and try to kidnap me very often.

I would often think to myself , Why do they do it? What pleasure does crime give to them? Why do they bother me so much? How can I get them to stop bothering me?

My young mind couldn't answer those questions logically so the only solution I saw was to gain their respect. I decided to gain respect and fame in the criminal underworld.

I started making plans for crimes such as terrorism, murder and kidnapping and I sold them to the underworld but soon I started to feel the need to try the plans I make. I wanted to see if they were effective and why criminals would devote their lives to do it.

I murdered a few people and I soon started getting addicted to the thrill of it. I knew of Speedsta ever since the time I was chased by criminals. I usually escaped because of my ability.

I soon gained fame and respect in the criminal community, which is what I had wished for but I never could stop myself from doing more criminal activities.

"Just for the heck of it, I suppose," I replied to her. "And as I have noticed, the world always turns on the one's who try to protect it. They spew hate at them after a while. Why go to the trouble of first earning the trust of the world and then getting hated by them when I could just begin with the latter?"

She seemed to have no answer to that statement, and I didn't expect her to have one.

"Now you must answer my question : why are you so sure that you will kill me this time?"

She hesitated for a while and I used that time to scan my surrounding. There were many jewels and golden coins; a lot of cash and even a statue of Laughing Buddha made out of pure gold.

Why buy such valuables of you're going to stash it away in a dark vault later, I thought to myself.

"Because we have found a way to kill you, " she said after a long silence. "And there is no way this method will fail."


I'm not sure how this chapter turned out because I wasn't in a great mood while writing it.

It might have some mistakes so point it out and I will correct them.

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