Someone Like Me

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Disclaimer: As usually I own nothing.

She walked down the halls... like a ghost. A phantom. Unknown by most, but those who did... made her wish she was totally invisible. Especially Vince. He smirked at her as she passed by, nervously casting a side-glance at him before hurrying down the halls. She didn't want to be anywhere near him... not alone... and not after what he did.

Miko hadn't been watching where she was going of course, eager to break out of this prison called school and get back to Bulkhead and the safety of base. In her attempt to flee the school she practically knocked the other girl over, shoulders crashing. Miko jumped back in shock as the action triggered a flashback....she stood there, shaking.....staring blindly like a deer in headlights, silently praying for Jack..or Raf...anyone to come rescue her.

The other girl scrambled up, and with a soft, "Sorry..." hurried away. Rushing outside and rounded the school, only to come face-to-face with Vince. "Vince!" Her eyes widened and she backed up."Hey Pretty girl." Vince crooned, blocking her path. What do ya say? You, me, this weekend? Come on you know you wanna."

"I h-have stuff to do..." She stammered, backing up. "Homework doesn't do itself... y-you know?" Her aqua eyes were wide as saucers. At the first sign of offense she'd bolt.

Jack had caught up with Miko and managed to calm her down some. The pair was exiting the school together to wait for their respective 'bots when Miko caught Vince and the girl out of the corner of her eye. Adrenaline and anger overtook the small girl, lunging forward to get between Vince and his newest prey. "Get AWAY from her!" Miko yelled charging Vince and knocking him to the ground. "Come on!" Miko said, grabbing the girl by the shoulder and leading her in the direction of Bulkhead, who had mercifully shown up in the nick of time.

The girl's eyes widened as she suddenly was thrown into the large green truck. She rubbed her head, trying to regain her senses of what had just happened. She looked up and met Miko's eyes, confused and bewildered at what had just transpired. "Th-thank you...?" She whispered uncertainly. "I-I could have h-handled him..." She added slowly.

Miko shook her head. "Vince is bad news. You're welcome. I wasn't going to leave you The other girl slowly sat up. "I-I think he's gone now... I'll uh... see you around..." She stammered, turning to get out of Bulkhead.

Miko's hand rested softly on her shoulder as she turned. "Look, be careful ok........Vince is bad........bad, bad." tears began to well up in Miko's eyes. It was breaking Bulkhead's spark. He couldn't contain himself. "Easy girl" he said. He wanted so much to transform and comfort her, he knew even speaking was probably too much, but seeing his girl like this was just too much for the 'bot.

She froze. ".... d-did... did... did the c-car just... just... talk?" She stammered, her heart skipping several beats.

Miko nodded. "Bulkhead's my guardian. He's cool. He won't hurt you. He's an Autobot!" Bulkhead groaned softly. "Miko...." Miko shrugged " What Dude, she asked!"

The girl looked bewildered first at the car and then at Miko. Her mouth opened and closed, before she finally screamed loudly, turning and bolting out and across the parking lot.

Miko tore out of Bulkhead running and tackling her. "Chill OUT!! It's Oh-KAY." Miko sighed, hoping she'd calm down soon. "Look, come with me we'll explain everything."

"I... I... the car..." She kept stammering, then a pair of shoes caught her attention and she looked up and met Vince's eyes. ".... Hi?" She squeaked.

Miko's eyes followed the girl's "ugh." Vince laughed. "Well if it isn't my two favorite ladies." Miko growled. "Get Fragged! Vince!" and proceeded to lead the girl back to the safety of Bulkhead.

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