Starting Over

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Chapter 1:- Action!

Starting over for Melody as a good, and not an evil person, was not that difficult. In fact, she was much happier now that she wasn't thinking about taking over the world or being evil.

Peter and Melody had shifted to Canada with their real family, so they had applied for a school there itself. Since they weren't in any school yet, they had holidays. One afternoon, someone rang the doorbell, left a paper and left. Melody checked it out. It was an advertisement.

The advertisement read:-

'Few actors needed at the 'Movie Plaza Studio' for an upcoming movie named 'Grounded'. The full script will be given once you've been selected for roles.'

Melody called Peter and told him about this movie, and they both took Magical Cat and went to the studio to audition for roles.

"Hello, I'm Peter, and I'm here with my elder sister Melody and my Magical Cat," Peter introduced themselves to the director. "We would like to be in your movie 'Grounded'."

"Magical Cat?" the direction enquired.

Melody explained, "Yes, his name is Magical Cat. He can and walk on two legs like humans. Well, never mind that. Can we audition?"

Melody and Peter auditioned for the movie and got selected, but the director wasn't sure of letting Magical Cat in the movie.

"Why can't Magical Cat be in the movie?" Peter asked.

"Because he's a cat, and we don't have a cat in the script," the director explained.

"But if you add a talking cat into the movie, people will love it. He's so cute though," Peter answered.

"Alright, I'll make some changes to put him into the movie," the director agreed to let Magical Cat into the movie.

The director recited the script for everyone:-

'A girl named Julie [played by Melody] always bothers her younger brother Jake [played by Peter]. She breaks his things and fights with him a lot. One day, she's trying to hide his phone to bother him and accidentally ends up breaking his expensive new phone. Their parents ground her for breaking Jake's phone, and that night, her friends, Lisa, Alex and Victoria, are holding a party at Alex's house. Since Julie is grounded, she can't go, but she sneaks out of her room to attend the party. She stays overnight at Alex's house, and when she returns the next afternoon, her parents are furious at her, and she's grounded for a month. Julie has a fight with her parents because they grounded her for a month, and she leaves the house angrily. Later, she realizes that it was her mistake when a strange talking cat [played by the Magical Cat] has a talk with her and tells her she was wrong. She goes back home, apologizes to her family and obeys her parents for as long as she is grounded. When she isn't grounded anymore, she doesn't bother her brother anymore.'

"The script is good," Melody said. "People would love to watch that."

"Alright, let's start then," the director yelled. "Positions! And........ Action!"


The movie starts off with showing Julie running around with Jake's phone, and Jake following her around.

"You'll never catch me!" Julie giggled.

"Give me back my phone!" Jake yelled.

Julie entered Jake's room and locked the room. Looking for a spot to hide the phone, she walked around. As she was walking around the room, she bumped into a computer table over there and accidentally dropped the phone. The phone's screen cracked, and the phone broke.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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