Chapter II // Evelyn T.

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I could not believe how bad this week was turning out. 

It was like anyone and everyone huddled together and said 'let's test Evelyn's patience so much that she feels like screaming every time someone opens their mouth to her'.

Nice coordination guys. Fuck you too.

I was currently sitting in health class, my red ballet flats tapping against the one of the metal legs of the chair I was sitting on. The clock, hung up on the wall right of the black board read 12:35. 10 minutes until lunch began. The teacher, a 30 year old skittish man droned on about diet and food at the front, his bulging stomach a clear sign of irony. I rolled my eyes, my palm holding up my chin. Biff, Match and 3D weren't in my class, unfortunately they aren't as smart as me and they were in another "lesser-ability" health class. This left in with the squares and preps, people who I didn't like and didn't like me. I waited five minutes, sketching in my A4 notebook. In front of me, a boy gave a note to the girl beside him. The girl blushed and giggled as soon as she read it. They'd been doing it since the start of the lesson. A budding romance, mayhaps?


I scowled as I softly kicked the chair of the boy in front of me. The boy and girl looked behind them. I just shook my head, indicating for them to stop it. They both nodded and turned around to the front of the classroom, rolling their eyes. Soon after, I heard a small laugh erupt from the girl beside me. My head snapped to the source. The girl had a nice shaped face, with brown curled hair that was cut just above her shoulders. Her eyes were a lovely brown. The girl sat beside me, looking between them and myself. I raised an eyebrow at her. The mystery girl ripped a small bit of paper of her notes page and leaned forward, writing something down on it before holding it out to me. My raised eyebrow furthered as I took the note from her hands. I opened it.

I let out a small laugh and looked at the brown-haired girl

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I let out a small laugh and looked at the brown-haired girl. I then picked up her HB pencil and responded to her.

'Disgusting, isn't it? 

They've been doing it the whole lesson now

.- E.T'

I handed the note back to the girl, who then quickly skimmed the message. The girl then nodded with a disgusted look at the two in front of them. I chuckled. I passed notes with the brown haired girl, mocking the couple silently until the bell rung for lunch. I didn't have to pack up much so I quickly left the classroom, but stopped outside of it. The girl who was beside me left the classroom soon after and waved goodbye before going to her presumed best friends, chatting away as they walked to lunch. I watched them go for a minute, wondering what it was like to have girl best friends instead of the gross boys I normally hung out with. Still lost in thought, I didn't see Match come up behind her and shake me. I screamed out of shock.

"Rack off, Match! I swear to everything holy and pure!" I hit him on the shoulder. Match laughed with 3D, Skinhead and Biff, his surprisingly white teeth showing. I bit back a crude remark but held my tongue. 

'Speak of the devils and they doth appear.' I thought sarcastically to myself, nearly rolling my eyes at the bunch.

"I'm glad you're getting pleasure out of my discomfort, guys. Real fun people you are." I started to walk away to the cafeteria, a scowl on my face. Biff quickly caught up with me and put an arm around me as we went to the lunch line.

"Hey, hey, hey. I saw that you were looking at that girl before. What's going on with that?" He asked. I sighed internally as I picked the food and put it onto my tray. Here comes the number one reason I didn't have any outsider friends.

 Three words: Biff Howard Tannen. 

He was a little too overprotective. 

I could recall a time when they were smaller. In seventh grade, an exchange student from Brazil came into my geometry class. He had to sit next to me, as no other seats were available. His name was Bathilde, but he let me call him Hilde. Hilde wasn't as gifted in geometry as I was, so I helped him out a lot with it. I remembered that I liked him very much, with his light cocoa skin and fantastic smile. He was a good different to all the boys I was used to in plain old Hill Valley. However, as soon as a classmate of mine told Biff about her new-found friend (that little snitch!), everyone in my group got very aggressive with the guy. A few threatening glares and some unfortunate situations, Hilde moved classes and avoided eye-contact with me altogether until the end of his exchange back to Viana, his home-place. Apparently it was all for the sake of protection, however I was -- and still am -- annoyed about that fact entirely.

"Yeah, so what? She was nice." I looked at Biff as he led me to his table after getting their food. Biff smirked and sat down.

"Oh, I know she's nice." Biff smirked, air humping, making his tray shake. His goons laughed and high-fived each other, but I was less than impressed. I gave Biff a disgusted look, and shook my head. I sat down on the left side of the table. Match sat beside me on the left and Skinhead and 3D sat on the other side along with Biff.

"No way, Biff. That's disgusting." Biff rolled his eyes and pointed to the delicate ring placed on my left hand ring finger.

"Just because you're swearing celibacy, doesn't mean every girl your age has to." I clutched my ring, and with a slight glare towards Biff I kissed it. I knew it was quite weird that a girl of my calibre was swearing celibacy, however I was a hopeless romantic at heart and I was sure without the ring I would've been a virgin anyway. It seemed messy, I always thought to myself.

"Well, I don't think she's that type of girl, Biff. She seems classy, and, you know," I paused, chewing the inside of my lip trying to decipher the nicest way to say my reasoning. "a new notches higher strung than you."

Match, Skinhead and 3D 'oohed' as Biff glared at me, throwing a celery stick from his lunch tray at myself, which I swiftly dodged with a smile. Biff smacked 3D and Skinhead for laughing. I started eating my dip, dunking the celery stick into it before manoeuvring it into my mouth.

'Eww. The dip tastes like foot. Gross.' I thought to myself, scrunching up my nose on it.Taking the rest of the untouched celery stick away from my mouth, I spat out the residue onto a napkin and chugged down some water to get the taste out of my mouth. I looked up to find herself stealing a glance at George McFly who was a few tables up, alone and writing in a book and once again I found myself unable to look away. 

He wasn't looking at myself, and rather half-heartedly writing something down on the piece of paper in front of him. His left palm held his face up and his long dark eyelashes contrasted his pale face. It was a nice sight, I pondered to herself unconsciously, before shaking my head and snapping out of it quickly. George McFly will always be only the nerd that I take homework off. Nothing more; nothing less. I felt stupid for even admitting that he looked kind of attractive.

"Evie? Uhh... Evie? Earth to Evie!" Match waved his hand in front of my face, snapping myself out of my self-doubting thoughts.

"You okay?" I blinked a few times.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about.." I quickly thought of something that would make them back off. I smiled sadly. "Mum."

Match gave me a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder and they all dropped the subject, thankfully. I sighed and promised myself that I'd never be caught staring at that square again.

 Why was I again?  

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