I need your opinions..

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On my writing! hahaha! Just something different for now! Don't click away ;) it is very important to me c:

I want to translate my works, but I am not sure if my English is good enough. I decided to leave it all up to you!

I've translated a scene from my second book in a new series. It's a scene where Amanda (Adam now) tries to tell Abby (my main character) that she thinks she's transgender. It's a YA fluff story!

Read and comment to tell me your thoughts! They are much appreciated <3 The main question: would you read this?


"Are you sure you are not angry?" Amanda asks me.

Her gaze is focused on the beautiful pond in front of us. The silent water, which looks like a mirror, reflects an enormous part of the moonlight surrounding us. The frozen ice layer on the surface is still so thin and young that I hardly dare to cast a stone on it.

"Why should I be angry?" I ask. "You didn't do anything wrong."

Amanda bends to the ground to pinch a small stone between her fingers, and then throws it towards the water. The stone doesn't get very far. It barely goed beyond a few meters.

"Damn it," she scolds. "I don't know, just a thought."

I lower myself on one of the few wooden benches next to the water and lean forward a little, my forearms resting on my thighs.

"You and your promptings," I tease. "Are you sure you aren't angry with me?"

Amanda bends yet again to get another stone off the ground. This time a bigger one. She studies the rock expertly before she throws it towards the water in one fell swoop. This time, the stone glides securely over the ice without leaving any damage.

"I'm not angry Abbs, I feel... empty ... I've been feeling different lately," she says hesitantly. "As if I am not myself."

Amanda's dark hairlocks are cut a lot shorter than before, I notice. I wonder if she did that herself. Previously, her hair was so long it ended at her waist, but now it is so short that it just barely touches her neck.

"You're always you, Em. I have never seen you act any different," I say sincerely.

Amanda turns around, her back facing towards the pond now. The brown color of her irises lights up in the dark, which adds even more emotion to her fierce glance. She looks confused; her eyebrows frowned and her lower lip wedged between her teeth. The birthmark under her right eye seems misplaced that way.

"Never different?" she asks. "Don't you see how much I've changed?"

I sit up straight again, so that I can feel the wooden planks pressing against my back. I play with my fingers and look away from Amanda.

"Your appearance is different," I admit. "But you are still you."

The bench creaks a little when Em sits down next to me.

"Maybe you can see it from the outside, yes, but from the inside I feel ... like someone else," Amanda explains. "You know I've been arguing with my mother for a while now, right?" she asks.

I nod and follow the lines of my index finger with my eyes.

"Yes," I say. "About your school."

Em remains silent when I give that interpretation. I am waiting for a confirmation from her, but I don't get one.

"Am I right?" I ask. "Em?"

Her hand abruptly finds mine, intervening the pattern on my index finger I was following, putting it down on her cheeck, so that I'm obliged to look her in the eye.

The action evokes a warm feeling in my lower abdomen. A feeling that I now know is there because I love Em, just not in that way. Her hands are clammy and dirty from the stones she just touched.

"What do you see when you look at me?" she asks, her question far too difficult to answer.

I gently rub her jaw line with my fingers and study her beautiful face. I have always liked her, although it is a different kind of beauty as what I would normally mean when I use the words 'beautiful' and 'breathtaking'.

"A super confident girl who knows what she wants and is not afraid of anything," I say proudly. "Or.. not?"

Amanda turns her face away from my touch, releasing my hand, causing my fingers to linger for that amazing sensation again.

"No, it's true," she says. "Nothing changes that description, right?" she asks me, almost hopeful.

"Of course not," I confirm. "But why not? What are you trying to tell me?"

Em's fingers nervously pull at the ends of her sweater. After our kiss, she told me that she didn't want to spoil our friendship, and I can certainly agree with that, but what does she mean now?

"What would you think about.. us changing the description to a super confident boy who knows what he wants and is not afraid of anything?" she asks quietly.

Her words come to me as a shock. I have always seen Amanda as Em. Not as a boy or as a girl, no. Just Em.

"Then I would tell you that nothing will ever change you, or the way I see you, and that I will always be there for you," I say, for clarification. "Do you mean to say what I think you are trying to say?"

When I glance at Em's face again, I notice that her cheeks have become wet in the time I told her my answer. Em always cries without sobbing. That's something I've always known about her.

"I think I'm transgender," she says. He says. Says Amanda.

I do not know which words to use, but there are more than enough things that I know for sure. This is a turning point in the life of my friend. My best friend.

"Okay," I say

For a moment it is dead quiet, except for the sound of the wind and the city surrounding us.

"Then why are you crying?" I ask.

Em's hand finds mine again in my lap, then she braces our fingers together. I allow it.

"Because I'm scared.. and crazy! I'm scared that people will call me crazy! What am I supposed to do? How do I tell my parents that I'm like this? How do I tell them that I ... feel like that?" she cries softly.

I squeeze her hand to confirm that I am still here, listening to her. I try not to break our eye contact this time. I have to watch her when I tell her this.

"You don't have to do that. You're just you, Em, and your parents will understand that," I say. "I am with you. Nothing can happen to you as long as you know that."

She shakes her head in disagreement, tears now streaming down her face.

"What if they don't? Why am I different?" she asks, lost. "What do I tell them?!"

I grab her other stray hand in my free one, and tell her what I have always wanted to tell her.

"You just let them know who you are," I say. "Tell them that you are a super confident boy who knows what he wants and is not afraid of anything."

Amanda gives me a small smile, squeezing my hands to mush. Her heated cheeks and tired eyes tell me she feels the exact same as me.

"I love you, you know that?" she asks.

I nod.

"And I love you, Amanda Geusink."

Em rolls her eyes to that comment and lifts her face up towards the pond, as if she holds the whole world in the palm of her hand.

"Call me Adam," she says.

Again I nod, knowing that a name will not change anything about our friendship.

"Okay.. Adam."


Sooooooooooooo... :o

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