chapter 8

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Chapter 8: No Loyalty In A Snake


Draco felt the very strong urge to be sick.

No, no, no – Merlin, no, this could not be happening! Not without warning. Not so soon! He looked desperately between the lunar chart and the letter, somewhere in the back of his mind sure there had been a mistake. There had to have been!

A shrill screech from the bird had him twitching in fright, and he cast it a surprised look, having forgotten its existence.

"N-no response," he whispered, and watched as his father's owl took flight towards the window in his bedroom.

Marked. His father wanted him to be Marked. His father, who was oblivious to what his son had become, oblivious to what it would mean. And dear gods, he had to pick that weekend, didn't he? Maybe, if it had been any other time…

Draco shivered. But it wasn't. It was then – and there was nothing in the world that could convince him to be near his father during a full moon ever again.


Albus Dumbledore sat behind his desk feeling every one of his hundred-plus years. He was tired, and perhaps if they hadn't been in the middle of war, he would have been allowed to rest. But as it was, every time he closed his eyes just for a moment, it seemed a dozen more problems had sprung into existence when he opened them again.

On his desk was Severus's pensieve, and he stared at the swirling silver contents grimly. He had watched the memories of his Potions Master and been troubled, but once again there was so little he could do.

And beside that was yet another of Remus's resignation letters. The older werewolf had been trying to quit his job and flee the castle ever since the incident, though only he and Albus knew about it. The first chance he'd been able to, Remus had come to the Headmaster to personally retire, and Albus had done the only thing he could – denied the request.

He couldn't allow the man to leave just yet, no matter how much Severus yelled and protested and demanded explanations. He would be needed; if not now, then soon. And if Remus was still set upon repentance, Albus felt sadly sure that there would be many opportunities in the coming future.

His thoughts were interrupted by a soft knocking. He started, glancing at Fawkes. The phoenix only turned its head towards the office door.

Waving his wand, he watched as the heavy door swung open to reveal the Malfoy boy standing on the threshold, his manner reluctant. In his hand he clutched a piece of paper which he pressed against him almost protectively.

"Mr Malfoy," he greeted, not quite able to keep the surprise from his voice. "Is something wrong?"

The blond entered hesitantly, casting wary glances at Fawkes as he passed, coming to stand on the other side of the desk. Wordlessly, he placed the piece of paper down next to the pensieve. It fluttered slightly as his hand trembled.

Frowning softly, Dumbledore reached out and took the thing, sliding it toward him for examination. A swift inspection told him it was a letter from Lucius Malfoy, and instantly his foreboding set in.

"He wants me to be Marked," the boy whispered, his voice barely audible. He was looking down, unable to meet the old man's eyes. Dumbledore could only guess how much of a betrayal this admission would be seen as. "He wants to do it on the weekend of the next… the next –"

"I understand, Mr Malfoy," the Headmaster cut him off sympathetically. "And such a thing cannot be allowed… if only for your own sake."

The Slytherin gave a twitch that was supposed to be a nod, still staring fixedly downwards.

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