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The Furantur Kingdom was beaming with bright, warm, sunny light. The old and damaged buildings were suddenly alive with Vitae and they filled the streets, walking and talking about. Hanging out with some friends and having a bite to eat every now and then, some were already stealing, oblivious what is happening outside their kingdom, let alone their Arche, Judicium. Zoe was already awake before most of them and went downstairs to check out and get Tol. The minute after she exited The Inn, she looked to her left and immediately, Tol was just too energetic to be inside that stable. "Alright, alright," laughed Zoe as she walked towards Tol. "Good morning to you, too―"

As expected, Tol was way too energetic to be in the stable. She was just itching to get out and in an instant, she flew straight up into the air to stretch her wings. When Tol started to fly, Zoe followed her and grinned. In Jackson's words, she is beautiful. Not just beautiful, but alluring. For a creature that lives far up into the Rigentem layer (the coldest layer in the Floating Arches), she was absolutely stunning. Tol let out a vibrating, high, roar that echoed through the South Kingdom and that scared everybody and gained their attention. "Tol! Come down! You're scaring everyone!" she shouted. She loudly chuffed at Zoe and lowered her altitude to get close to Zoe. She had a rough landing due to the crowded area, but she managed. "Thank you. Don't do that again, okay?" All Tol did was nudge her and Zoe petted in return.

'Oh yeah, that's right. We need to go to the North and West Kingdoms,' Zoe remembered. She did a quick check on which way is west and east and north and south and hopped on Tol. Gripping the reins, she let out a faint, "Go" and Tol took off once more. Directing the Hyabum to where she needed to go, she had a breathtaking view of the whole Arche when she flew where the air was the thinnest. Though, she could still breathe comfortably. The sun was just barely peaking over the thick, snowy clouds and it casted the most pretty sunrise. The colours consisted of orange, red, yellow, and even a bit of blue from the skies. The large floating rocks of Judicium casted a large, black shadow against the white fluffy clouds. The wind here was strong and crisp with the cold that it refreshed Zoe from the stuffy inn. It blew past her navy shirt and turned her cheeks a rosy red colour. Her eyes widened at the remarkable sight and forgot how to breathe for a split second before that she remembered that she had to spread the word to two more kingdoms she doesn't even know yet.

The two started to head north-west of the Furantur Kingdom, and soon enough, through an hour's worth of scattered small islands and  what seemed like endless space, they saw the most fruitful and the greenest grass that Zoe has ever seen. The land was vast and broad with fertile land and much farmland was present. So much Viveren fruit that Zoe hasn't even thought to exist was planted right before her eyes. "Here, Tol." She pointed down towards a safe spot to land and the beast obeyed. With a quick and soft thud on the landing, Zoe swiftly got off and gave Tol a piece of Tiacopap for future take off. She went to find the kingdom, but was too astonished at the exotic fruits and edibles that were implanted into the grass. Some were large, some came in clusters, some were shaped in a complex way. The colour varied in different plants, but none of them were recognisable by the young fourteen year old.

A few minutes of walking on a trail surrounded by lush greens and a whole rainbow colours, the two finally made it to the kingdom. Though, it was much more different than the Furantur Kingdom. Instead of the dull, stone, building, it was covered in colourful leaves that had an unconventional variety of shapes. None that Zoe had ever seen before. Vines swirled onto the walls and it was much more brighter in stone colour. Instead of a dark grey, it was more of a whitish-grey and was covered in fresh farmland. Very much so different than the South Kingdom.

"We're here," Zoe announced, taking a deep breath in. "Let's go in, shall we?"

Tol didn't do anything, but just started to trot towards the entrance.

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