I'm sorry

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Alice Kirkland walked to the stairs that led down into the ball room. She was on a mission to kill the Prince Alfred before midnight, since he was to be crowned the next day. People believed that his twin brother should be the one to take the throne instead. However, the king felt it should be Alfred. Alice was hired to enter during the ball being held in honor of the orphans in their kingdom and kill the prince.

Alice was wearing pure white dress with a thick strip of black cloth around her waist. The dress had a small layer of feathers over a thin strip of fabric to act as sleeves. She wore clear shoes made of, what at first looked like glass, was really a beautiful crystal. She used a white ribbon to tie her hair up in pigtails. She also had long white gloves that went to her elbows. Alice had a small blade hidden under her dress that was tied to her leg for when the time came.

Looking down into the ball room Alice found Prince Alfred. He looked up and met Alice with the brightest sky blue eyes she had ever seen. He motioned for her to come down. Alice quickly went down the stairs going three steps at a time.

She finally made it down and walked to Prince Alfred. "Hello your Highness." Alice curtsied as she said those words.

Alfred smiled at her. "Hello miss," He waited for a name.

"Alice Kirkland."

"Miss Kirkland. It's a pleasure to meet," Alfred gave her a smile that almost made her heart stop. Don't think like that Alice, you have a job to do she told herself.

Alice smiled," The pleasure is all mine your Highness."

"Please, call me Alfred."

Alice was surprised to hear Alfred say to just call him by his name. "Then you can just call me Alice."

Alfred smiled to her. "Alice," Alfred held out his hand to her," may I have this dance?"

Alice put her hand in his," Of course Alfred."

Alfred pulled her close as the music started playing. The music was for the waltz. As they both danced heads turned to them. People didn't expect to see the prince dancing with someone. Alice started to feel uncomfortable under all the stares she and Alfred were getting. Alfred soon noticed this and told her focus on just him.

Soon the music ended and Alfred took Alice outside before anyone could question them. They both stood at the edge and looked out at the kingdom."You're a great dancer Alfred."

He laughed," My dad always forced me and Mathew to take classes for things like this."

Silence followed. Neither of them knew what else to say. It stayed like this for about a minute. Both of them just stared at the night sky.

"Where's your brother?" Alice finally asked.

Alfred looked over to her," He gets overwhelmed at large events. He doesn't like big crowds because people always push him around without noticing. People never seem to notice him unless it's just him and a few others in a room. Most of the time when people see him they think he's me. I've been trying to help him out of his shell and get him to come to things like this. I tried to get him to come here but he said he isn't ready yet."

Alice was surprised. She didn't expect people to ignore Mathew, he was royalty after all. She never knew that things like that happened. She thought it was nice that Alfred was trying to get his brother stand out more. Maybe he's not all that bad. Alice was starting to like Alfred.

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