This is not an update......sorry

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This isnt an update sorry guys, but I found out yesterday that my best friend/sister was really upset and basically she was so depressed becuase the school she goes too the ATAR class she has is difficult and her parents are trying to push her into getting a full time job and forgetting school, but I know she doesnt want to leave school. I tried messaging her a million times (near enough a million) but she wasnt answering and part of me was thinging of the worse of senarios ever, I cried for about 2 1/2 hours when she wasnt replying. Yeah I know I'm a baby go on laugh, IDFGAS but it turns out her dad was lectoring her about everything and she wasnt happy anyway because knowing her school probably pissed her off and made her feel like shit but thats okay, school isnt suppose to be fun, happy and sunshine and rainbows. Take it from someone who was bullied to the point I tried killing myself. I'm not proud announcing that people will think I'm an attention seeking whore, but I'm not. But as I was saying she wasnt happy about they day anyway so having her dad lector her wasnt helpful at all, I get lectored by my parents too some times but not as much as my friend does, plus her mom doesnt like me very much but oh fucking well her problem not mine, I dont care what she thinks of me thats her choice, but when my best fuckin friend is in need I am going to bethere with open arms and a comforting smile because bitch I'll be damed to hell before I let my best friend hurt herself like I have. 

Sorry for that 

CheshireCat out peace 

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