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It was a little past midnight in the wizarding world and the Hogwarts School of Magic was fast asleep ; students warm ..and tucked away and  safe from  merciless cold January  winter night . Even the teachers and staff had finished there nightly potroling and duties , to hide away in from the bone chilling wind. Well everyone except for one that is. Standing under the cold  starlet sky was a dark clothed figure with a cloak that twisted and turned as the wind howled . His hair swayed to the breeze  his body stiffing as he stood at the highest point of the astronomy tower looking down at the landscape , scanning the massive land . Severus Snape or now known as Severus Potter Snape  stood there ...silent .

His skin glowed a pale - grey shade as his hooked nose slowly took in the air of the cold  winmter night  . His peach chapped lips were gently parted as his deep onyx eyes landed on a particular lake far ahead ..the dark waters frozen with ice . Gently he balled his blood drenched right  hand into a fist. More blood oozed out of his rist due to the pressure and fell onto the balcony 's floor. His left hand held a dagger covered in crimson red , the handle stained with memories the pass ... where the knife met the rist and kissed the skin untill it bled. Gently he dropped his dagger as he took step forward.

Tears ...silent tears seeped out of his black orbs as his thin lips quivered. Carfully he crouched down ;  With his bloodied hand he took out a small piece of rolled parchment and tied it to the pole with a small brown twine  . As he stared at the parchment ..he knew it was now or never .

Slowly Severus stood up and  climbed into the ledge . He looked down at the white snowed earth below him knowing full well that underneath the thin layer of  snow were rather hard stones . Snape shook as the cold bit his bones and heavy tears fell out if his eyes . With a gasp , a few whimpers and sobs he knew he was ready.

Looking at the land one last time and turned his head so all he could see was the night sky . A cloudless sky with stars that Twinkle more then the eye if dombledore ..with a moon that stood so proudly atop ..shinning it's raise . "Its  Perfect " was all Severus said before he took a leap jumping off the ledge .

Suddenly , the night sky was not seen ...all that Severus Potter Snape  saw was the blissful darkness 

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