First Contact

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"So what's the call on this one?" *bump* "Uh dunno  yet, sarge said some civies called and were panicking but no one told him what was going on. So we are here to find out what it is." There was a truck full of marines going down a two lane road. The men in the rear were all talking to one another "What do you guys think we are being called for?" "Hell who knows, I just wanna shoot some shit!" "Hell yeah brother I hear that!" "Haha damn fools" one man stood up and spoke. "Alright listen up!" They all went quite and gave the man all their attention. "I am lt. Mayfield I'm running this op, now we don't know what we are being called in for but it's dangerous enough to send in a full platoon so I need all of you to have your bearings alright? Good, now we are going to a village North East of our current location. Population just under 45 civilians, so whatever is going on don't fire until we know what we are dealing with got it?" All the men looked and shouted "Who-rah!" "That's what I like to hear! Now gear up we'll be coming up on the village in 3 mikes!". Lt. Mayfield sat down and began talking into his radio "Hey Perez tell me we've got that bird eye to help us out? It's getting kinda dark out, over." "Copy that, we've got your eye in the sky and our fingers in the pie, over." "Damn no wonder your wife loves you, you've got a way with words." "Ha ha that's what she tells me." Mayfield responds with a question "You have an activity at that village ahead? Don't want to head into anything crazy right off the bat on these new guys." "Nope, no movement... wait no movement? Somethings not right there's no one in the village at all." "What? No movement?" Mayfield was getting uneasy "Hold on I'm going to see if Damian evacuated the civilians. He went ahead of us a mile back and said he'd radio in but never did so we just started behind him." "Alright, let me know what he says." Mayfield changes the channel of his radio and starts asking for a response "Damian do you copy, it's Mayfield. Over."..... "Damian it's Mayfield, do you copy? Over." Mayfield noticed that his men were watching him waiting to know what's going on. "C'mon you son of a bitch answer me" "Damian do you-" *cchchhchhhc* "Dont-*chchh*-come *chchchch* dange-" Mayfield sat quite for a moment "What was that? You were breaking up, over" "Don't come *chchch* some-*chchchhc* things *chhhchhc* here." Mayfield didn't know what to make of it he looked at his men and told them "Look idk what's going on but we are 1 mike away and closing gear up we are going to wa-" *Mmmmmmm* *BOOM!" *Cough* *cough* "Ugh..." "Mayfield do you copy? Mayfield I repeat do you copy?" *Chhh* "Ugh yeah I copy." "Thank god, no one else is responding... all their transmitters have gone dark." "I think we got his by an RPG." "Well whatever it was you've got get somewhere safe I think you're alone right now. It's also getting dark and we can't land anywhere until morning, the nearest airfield is 5 miles east of your current location." "That's fantastic *cough* now I just gotta grow wings haha" "Go to the village and search for our safehouse. Head to the basement there's a panic room with supplies if you need any." "Thanks keep in touch okay? If I don't talk to someone I'll go fucking insane." 10 minutes later

"Ugh ah, okay I'm here I've got it locked down but I'm not sure on our connection I had to go two stories down." "Don't worry, we should be fi-" *chhhch* "Hello? Perez do you copy?" *BMMMM* "Oh fuck... don't tell me they were shot down c'mon no! Perez do you copy! Please answer me!" *chhhhhhhhhhhh* "May-*chh*field do you copy?" Mayfield rushes to grab his radio and respond quickly before coms go out again "I'm here! What happened I thought you were shot down? It sounded like a plane crashed just on top of me.." "We lost signal for a brief moment it's still not at great strength *cchh* but good enough. We did detect something massive near your location though." "What? An explosive? RPG?"......"Perez?"......" "Mayfield... use the thermal cameras in the surveillance room... look south down the road you came and tell me what you see... we are detecting massive movement headed your way." Mayfield quickly jumped to the monitors and activates them. He switches cams until he finds the right one. "Okay I've got the south forest road cams active what am I looki-" in view of the camera a massive creature emerging from the mist revealing that there was no human enemy movement ... only it's.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2018 ⏰

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