The day it all happeded

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I will be changing points of view throughout the story.

Chat has been visiting me for the past 3 months. I like having his company. He tends to always come around the same time, so I try keeping myself occupied until he gets here. It's getting late and Chat isn't here yet. I am starting to get worried, I know he is sometimes a bit late but he has never been an hour late. I see Tiki come out of her hiding spot holding a macaron in her tiny hands. "Don't worry Marinette he'll come. You know how he is always getting distracted with anything." Tiki was right he could have just gotten distracted with something on his way over and lost track of time. I got up deciding that I would start getting ready to go to sleep. I hear a thud and then a knock on my skylight.

I went to open the skylight seeing that Chat had made it indeed. Opening up the hatch Chat slides in landing next to me. I look up at him my eyes locking with his bright green ones. "I thought you weren't coming," I say turning around making my way down the stairs. Chat follows me down the stairs jumping onto my chaise. "And leave my purrinces all alone. I would never." I rolled my eyes at his ridiculous puns. Every time he comes over I end up telling him that his puns just keep getting worse every time. But for some reason it doesn't seem like he even cares. In fact I'm sure that in his spare time he come up with these ridiculous puns.

I don't like it when I get to Marinette's an hour and a half late, but it wasn't exactly my fault that my father decided to talk with me before I left. I stayed in her room for a few hours while Marinette just kept asking me the same question she always asks when I come over. It feels nice though knowing that someone cares enough about me to ask me how my day was. She even asks me if I got to see Ladybug. I was telling her how I haven't seen Ladybug for a while now, since there hasn't been an akumatized person in a while. But that I missed her since it is always nice to see her. But at the same time the only times I see Ladybug is when there is an akumatized person. As I turn to look at her I noticed that she had fallen asleep in her desk chair. I laughed to myself standing up making my way to her, slowly i place her in my arms carrying her to her bed. I made sure to go up her stairs slowly so I wouldn't wake her up. I softly lay her down on her bed grabbing the nearest blanket placing it over her.

Making sure that I wouldn't wake her up I slowly reach up to unlock the hatch from the window. I turn back to look at her before I leave a smile forming on my lips as I see her sleeping peacefully. I lean down softly placing a kiss on her forehead. Turning around I am about to open the hatch on the window when I felt her grab at my arm. Turning back I make eye contact with her sleepy blue eyes. "Stay and take a nap Chat it's getting late I can tell that you're tired" She lets out a cute yawn, letting go of my hand laying back down. I turned around facing her once again. "Fine just move over so that we can both fit." I pull her blanket up laying down next to her. Deciding to wrap my hand around her waist I pull her against my chest.

********In the morning*******

As I woke up I saw that Marinette was no longer lying beside me. I looked around her room trying to find a clock. When my eyes landed on one I saw that it was 7:30am. Damn it I overslept.  Looking up I saw Marinette walking out of her restroom. "Good morning sleeping beauty." I Guess we both overslept because she was still in her pj's. I pointed at the clock as she was getting back in bed. Marinette gasped running back into her restroom telling me to get her some clothes from her closet.

I got off the bed walking down the stairs looking for her closet. I opened the door seeing this nice dress in her closet. Picking it out of the closet I walked over to the restroom knocking on the door waiting for her to open it. I gave her the dress her face popping out of the restroom. She looked at me and then the dress giving me a stern look. I shrugged my shoulders with a smirk on my face as she closed the door agin. It's about time she wears something else than just a shit and pants to school.

I sat down on her chair deciding to take a look around her room. Marinette came running out of the restroom her hair was left down lose around her shoulders. She went over to get her backpack looking through it making sure she had what she needed before looking over at me. "I'm running a bit late to class Chat so I have to get going. You can stay if you want just don't go downstairs so my parents don't see you." She walked over to me ruffling my hair with her hand as she made her way out of the room. I sat in her chair a while longer before making my way to her window. Jumping out I headed straight to school knowing that I was already late enough so I didn't have to go home and get my stuff. I landed in-between two buildings distransforming Plagg flys out looking at me mad. "I know, sorry it took me so long to but there should be some camembert in my locker." I open up my shirt so that play can fly in so that he won't be spotted at school.

I walked into class taking my seat next to Alya. Once I sat down I felt everyone's eyes on me, I turned to Alya whispering to her. "Um why is everyone staring at me." Alya whispered back at me. "Girl look at what you are wearing." I knew I was wearing the Chatnoir designed dress that I had made a couple of weeks ago. "I was running late and um I didn't have to time to pick an outfit, so I just put on the firs thing I grabbed."

From a glimpse that I got of Adrien, I saw that he had a soft smile on his face as he was looking at me. Nino and Adrien turned around to face Alys and me. Nino said, "Dude you look good in that dress." Letting out a low whistle. I blushed at his actions looking around. "Thank you Nino," I said as Adrien looked up at me and saying. "Y-Yeah Marinette you look really pretty in t-that dress."

3rd person

Adrian turned around more embarrassed than before because he had just stuttered in front of his friends. Alya looked at Marinette noticing that her checks were just as re as Adrian's. Nino turned around to face Adrien whispering to him. "Adrian dude what was that all about. You barley even said a sentence to Marinette and you started stuttering and now you're even redder then a few minutes ago." Adrien just looked at his best friend and saying, "I think, I might like her." Adrian laid his head on the desk letting out a deep sigh.

As the day ended the bell rang and everyone made their way outside of the classroom, so that they could head home. As the four friends were walking out of school they heard people screaming while others seemed to be running away from something. Alya decided to take out her phone saying that she had to get this on her Labyblog. Allya left running to the source of panic Nino goin after, explaining to his friends that he had to go after her to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. Leaving Adrien and Marinette alone together their checks started tuning red at being the only two left. Adrien said, "Well I have ugh have to go." He said pointing his thumb over his shoulder.  Marinette just nodded agreeing that she also had to leave. They both ran off after saying a quick goodbye. Once they thought they were far away from one another they went to find a place where they could transform.

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