Live, Laugh, Dream <3 Part two!

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Okay, glad that you like that first part two

yeah ikr lol even though its only one comment, it means much to me<3

So, I'm presenting part two!!

1) Yes, why?

People say we can't live without love, I really can't understand why because I say we can't live without oxygen!!

2) Yo, sup?

When I talk to a stranger, my voice is so girly,  but when I talk to my friends I become a Morgan freeman.

3) Let's. do it!!

You ever have that friend whom you're like, "Yes! Let's. get an apartment and adopt 200 cats. Lets do it!"

4)I do!

Did you ever write a really long mesaage and when you were halfway through thought, "ah, you know what?, they don't even care!" and delete it?

5)That song!

When you hear that song, which gives you the flashback of certain moments of your life.

6) Feelings,

That awkward feeling, when you actually don't know if your teacher is pointing towards you or not.

7) Pick one

That feeling when a person is both funny and beautiful. You're like,  man you gotta pick only one.

8)I hate you

If we're in the car and I love the song playing on the radio, and you turn it down to tell me something, please know that I hate you now.

9) Ew, what's that?

Laying on the grass is awesome and pleasant until you realize that there are bugs and dirt everywhere.

10) Basically,..

My life is basically waiting on for the next new episode to come on TV.

11) Hehe

I'm gonna open up a store next to Forever 21 and call it Finally 22

"making me feel 22"

12) Excuse me! Any problem

Hey, did you cut your long hair, that's cool!

and I'm like, no, I actually dyed them invisible!:P

13) Yeah!

Faking your date on the homework book so that you make sure you did it the last time <3

Thanks for reading this, please vote and rate the book and I'll update many more parts.

Hey guys make sure you read my new other book called everything Taylor swift,  thanks if you do so.

Make sure you rate and vote it too

Thank you.<3.

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