Sorry i couldn't update i was a bit busy with carnival stuff ;v;Well here is the challenge thingy!!
Alya - D1
--UnhealthyWheeze--Fun fact!! Alya thinks wearing clothes is a waste of time since she spends most of her time on water ((that's why she's naked :v))
Dango - C4
--UnhealthyWheeze--She's too cute, too pure ;;
Amanda - C1
AmayaKamata123Fact!! Amanda hates wearing revealing clothes so she would wear bandages to cover her arms and black tights on her legs so people can't see her "rotten skin".
Jess - A1
Binxi1031She's so pretty and sexy ;v;
Fun fact!! Jess barely ever wears bras. She practically hates them . She only wears bras if needed.Akiko - C4
Okay thats all of the challenge
Now two extra picsYume and acrylic "realistic" !!
I hope you guys had a great carnival!!!
It was pretty fun for me everyone complimented my costume!! :D
Sadly I don't have pics ;; ((forgot to take them lmao))
Maybe if I take a pic I'll show it ??Anyways that's all for now :0
I'll go work on Yume's comic ;v;
Chao Chao pescado!!