Thirteen- Cecil Clarke

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Sydney woke Cecil up around noon with a phone call. It was a brief conversation, one that Cecil would normally be annoyed having been woken up for, but was okay with since it was mid-day and Sydney instructed him to come over to his house as soon as he could manage.

Cecil only knew were Sydney lived since they had gone to coffee a few times during Atticus's first weeks of swimming class and he had driven, but it took him a bit longer to find the house without instruction from a passenger. Three wrong turns later, he pulled up to the curb opposite of Sydney's house.

It was 12:20, nearly fifteen minutes since Sydney had awoken him, and Cecil raised his hand to rub the sleep from his his eyes only to be surprised by the feeling of cold glass against his fingers. "That's what I forgot to do," he said, shifting to look in his reflection in the window and frowning at the glasses that still rested on his face. "Contacts".

He looked ridiculous, he thought, lazy, as if he had just rolled out of bed and come over, which he admitably had, but Sydney hadn't specified if Remy was at his house, and Cecil didn't want to give his love interest that impression.

He have actually taken five or so minutes to pick out an outfit that morning, one that he looked good in, but was also subtle so no one knew he had tried. Grey joggers, a navy v-neck, and expensive shoes; but with his glasses the whole outfit seemed to scream this is what I slept in.

There was nothing he could do about it now- Cecil was anxious to see Remy after their amazing kiss the night before had been interrupted by Remy's father. Still, he took an extra moment to pat down his part silver, part brown hair, and then sighed in annoyance when he noticed that the bi-color look didn't look good on him at all.

Cecil climbed out of his vehicle and locked it, discarding his keys in his pocket as he crossed the street.

Sydney lived in a nice neighborhood, on the other side of the block from Remy and about four houses down from Jordan Sullivan. Cecil spared that house a quick glance, his gaze lingering on the porch Jordan has taken him on all those years ago, late at night under the stars. It had been an interesting night. The night of their first fight- which was how they ended up on the porch in the first place as Cecil had stormed out of the house and Jordan had followed him. Cecil could still remember the fight perfectly. He had just found out that Jordan had screwed Micha Christenson at a party the week before, and Cecil was more insulted than angry.

"I'm not jealous," he had told Jordan afterwards, as they laid on the porch completely naked and started up at the night sky. Jordan snorted in disbelief. "I'm not. I know you think everyone's in love with you, but I'm not. I don't care if you have sex with other people. I'm just annoyed that you did it without talking to me about what we were first and then your tried to hide it from me".

Cecil looked away, his eyes moving to Sydney's house instead as he walked up the front walkway. When he got to the door, he hesitated only a moment before knocking.

To his surprise, it was Atticus who threw open the door. "Rem-" the small boy began, but his eyes landed on Cecil. He looked disappointed for only a second. "Mr. Cecil!" Atticus gave him a quick hug around the legs before turning away and walking back into the house.

Cecil slowly followed and shut the door behind himself. "Hey, Atticus. What are you doing here?"

The small boy led him to the living room and took a seat on the floor before the coffee table. "Sydney is taking care of me when Remy is out". Atticus looked up at Cecil for a moment before looking back down at the table and picking up a blue crayon. He offered it to Cecil. "Do you want to color with me?"

Cecil glanced around the empty living room and then shrugged and took a seat on the couch next to where Atticus was sitting on the floor. "Yeah, Alright". He took the crayon and the piece of payer Atticus offered him a moment later. Cecil drew a blue cow, and then leaned forward to watch Atticus work .

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