Gifting her

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Plot : (by Alwaysnamu )

Still at the age of 73, Amada Brown, lying in the creaking bed in her small room of her ancient, small cottage waiting for death, she never forgot what February 14th signifies. To many who are in love it means chocolates, bears, hugs, kisses etc. But to her it means another year/day closed to dying without ever receiving any gift for valentine.

As the clock ticks, angels of death knocking on her door, will she die without getting any gift or will someone give her the best gift before she dies?


I was standing in front of a huge heart shaped sculpture which was placed right in the centre of the park. It started to snow. The unique snowflakes were falling delicately from the white cloudy skies defining the actual beauty of snow. It was Valentine's day, the day for which I was waiting since three months 'cause that was when I fell in love with him, my first love. I still remember the day when he proposed me in this same place.

A smile crept on my face when I looked at the ring he gifted me. I gripped it tightly and looked for him in the crowd. It's already an hour late. We were supposed to meet at 5. I sighed thinking that he might have been stuck in traffic because of the snowfall. With my freezing foot I walked to a nearby coffee shop and waited for him. The place was less crowded now. I shivered in the cold weather but the hot chocolate helped me overcome the coldness.

It's dark now and the snow is still falling, clumps of wet flakes drifting windlessly down, the air moist, the sidewalk mushy underfoot. There was neither a message nor a call from him. This is the first time he did not respond my texts. I called him many times but he did not answer. I was left heartbroken. Did he forget that today is Valentine's Day? Did he forget that today is my birthday too?
A tear drop rolled down my cheek. I decided to leave but deep down my heart I had a feeling that he will come and meet me.

10pm and I lost all my hopes. I picked up my handbag and left to my home. There was another bad news awaiting for me. My family's business has gone down and we were in loss. My parents decided to leave the country to escape from the loan sharks. I couldn't deny them, after all they are my parents.
I wanted to meet him but I have to leave now. I called him one last time but there was no answer.

I bitterly chuckled at myself for being betrayed by the person whom I loved the most. I threw the gift which I bought for him in my suitcase and left to the airport.


" Granny !" I heard my grandson calling me. I woke up and wiped my tears off. The tears always remind me of the Valentine's Day fifty years ago. I wore my broken glasses and took my walking stick. I carefully walked downstairs.

All these years I lived with a glint of hope of meeting him one day. Each and everyday I wished to see him. Unfortunately I didn't know his whereabouts. I didn't even know if he's still alive or not.

I sat in one of the corners watching the children enjoying the party. Today is my grandson's birthday. Another sweet yet a sad thing is that today is Valentine's Day and also my birthday. A day I never received a gift for any of the above reasons, since fifty years.

I lifelessly stay in the corner with no one noticing or caring the old me. Well, my son thinks that I'm a burden to him and treats me like a useless creature that is soon going to die. So how can I expect others to care for me?

I have nothing to do. I wish my life ends now. I'm thankful for all the days I've spent with my parents, my sister, my son and my grandson. I'm happy for living this wonderful life. But one heartbreaking feeling of not meeting him still conquers my mind and makes me feel that I was not at all happy.

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